Truth is..I like you. But what do i do?

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Rhia's POV:

One week. It's been one week since we've seen my dad. One week since Liam got shot. And one week since I kissed him.

Every day we went to check up on Liam and we talked and laughed with him. I avoided the subject completely and tried to act as if nothing had happened and thankfully it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. Maybe it was because we were confused or what but I'm glad things weren't extremely awkward.

Anyways, today was the day Liam is being released from the hospital so Louis and I were waiting outside Liam's room while the doctor's gave Liam his meds and did some final check-ups before he was officially released. Half an hour later, the doctor came up with Liam in a wheelchair.

"Hey buddy. Ready to leave this hell hole?" Louis joked.

"Yes please. Get me outta here!" He replied laughing.

We walked out to the car with Louis pushing Liam and me leading the way. We helped Liam into the car and I hopped into the driver's seat heading out of the parking lot back to the house. It was a 15 minute drive before we pulled into the driveway. Once we had Liam situated in his wheelchair we pushed him up driveway to the front door.

“Welcome home Liam boy!” everyone shouted as we walked in handing him a piece of cake.

“Thanks guys.” He chuckled. I rolled his wheelchair into the living room and plopped on the couch next to Leah.

“So how are you Liam?” she asked sweetly.

“I’m fine Leah. Just a little bit of pain but I’ll be fine in no time.” He replied making it nice and simple, or sugar coating it if you’d like, for her.

“That’s great. You’re a really strong person you know?” she told really.

“I don’t think so. But thank you.” He smiled at her. I smiled at how sweet Liam was being with Leah even with all the pain he’s in. Not everyone would do that and it proves just how strong of a person he is. Gosh why did he have to be such an amazing person? Why couyldn’t he just be a total jerk and suck? But I guess that wouldn’t be great either. Gosh I shouldn’t be thinking about this right now. I decided to leave the topic alone for a bit and just relax while I can.

When I snapped back out of my thoughts everyone was staring at me. “What?” I asked

“We were just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie.” Louis replied giving me a weird look.

“Oh, yeah sure put one in.” I replied.

After what seemed liked forever the guys finally chose to watch Toy Story 3 after lots and lots of arguing. I’m pretty positive they only chose the movie because Liam was “handicapped” as Louis put it but I don’t know. Right as the movie was started Niall walked in balancing 3 large bowls of popcorn, candy, chips, and some other snacks in his two arms.

“Woah there Niall got enough to eat there?” I asked him.

“I don’t know. Maybe?” he replied with a grin on his face. I have no idea where he kept all that food. But I’ll consider that one of life’s greatest mysteries.

After an hour and a half of watching the movie I was literally half asleep. I looked around at everyone else and saw Leah sitting in Niall’s lap, both of them asleep, with an empty popcorn bowl beside them and Louis, Zayn, and Harry were sprawled out on the floor on top of one another dead asleep. I chuckled at the sight before turning to Liam who was still awake but looked deep in thought while staring down at the floor.

“Hey. You’re still awake?” I questioned snapping him out of his thoughts.

“Hmm? Oh yeah. You too?” He replied looking back at me.

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