Chapter 3.

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Pippa's POV:

I storm into the apartment and head straight for my bedroom. I'm done with Harry and all his shit, since when did he tell me who I can and can't go on a date with?

I'm laying on my bed doing my first bit of work I got from my English lecturer, first day and I've already got work to do, this is going be a long semester. I hear a knock at the door and it can only be Harry.

"I don't want to talk to you right now please could you leave me the hell alone" I try ignore him as he walks in and sits on the bottom of my bed.

"I'm sorry Pippa but you can't go on this date!" He tries to stay calm but I can hear the anger and the is even a hint of desperation behind his voice.

"Who gave you the right to tell me what I can and can't do because last time I checked this was my life and I can do what ever the hell I want! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't go?" I'm angry now, he just expects me to do what he says when ever he says it but I'm not his little toy.

"Um... Because... Niall..." He stumbles with his words.

"Niall what? How do you know him? Why can't I go on a date with him? Why is he so bad? What did he do wrong? I press him with hundreds of questions.

"Pippa I can't tell you but you have to trust me on this one! Please!" He begs.

"No Harry I'm sorry but I'm going on this date whether you like it or not! I'm going to go and enjoy myself! I'm just trying to make friends, Niall was the only person that was actually nice to me today." I confess. I must admit I was only to go on the date but now that Harry is trying force me not to go it makes me want to go even more, I might be going on the date just to spite him.

"Don't come crying to me when he fucks you over" Harry is angry now and I can see it in his eyes, he stands up and starts going on a full rage at me. "Your first day of college and you are already finding a boyfriend, you need to take this slow, you need to settle in first before you start fucking around with guys Pippa!"

"That's it!" Now I'm angry, I get off my bed and walk towards Harry. "Firstly I'm not "fucking" around with any guys, secondly one date doesn't mean we are getting married, having children and moving to North Dakota. We are just going out for dinner as friends nothing else so stop worrying about your little Pippa and go find something better to do!" I shout at him! He has now pushed me to far.

"Well I'm sorry for giving a shit about you!" He says defeated.

He has gotten me too angry to cool down now, "I was just trying to make friends, you can't be my only friend Harry!" As I said that I regret it.

"Wow, okay Pippa, I'm sorry for caring, why don't you go move in with your new best friend Niall" I don't now if he is just upset or if he is actually properly pissed with me.

Harry's storms out of my room and as I follow him he slams his bedroom door in my face! Well down Pippa you really did it this time.

Harry and I don't usually fight but when we do its not something people want to see because we will shout and scream and it never ends well.

"Harry, please, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry you know I would never say that intentionally, you are my best friend and you know that right?" I say through the door.

"Go away Pippa!" He shouts.

I sat down with my back against the door, why do we always fight over who we date? I never understood it.

Harry's POV:

Fuck, I hate it when we fight and it's always over something stupid, usually about who the other person dates, I don't get it?

"Pippa I'm sorry, I didn't mean too" I lean against Pippa's bedroom door. Thank god her parents are away for the weekend because they would not be happy with me being at her house this late making all this racket. "Just let me in so we can talk. I need to explain" I plea!

She opens the door, her eyes are red and swollen. I hate it when I make her cry!

"I'm sorry Pippa!" It's the first thing that falls out of my mouth.

"You punched my boyfriend in the face for no reason?" She  says crying.

I did have a reason, he was fucking making out with her. "You two were making out" I sound surprised.

"I'm 16 years old Harry I'm allowed to kiss someone! He is my boyfriend for goodness sake! It's not like we were going to do it?" She has stopped crying now but she is still extremely upset, I can tell by the way she is talking to me.

"I don't know what came over me Pips, I just saw the two of you in your room making out and I just don't know why or what happened? I'm sorry" I'm trying to convince her I'm genuinely sorry but she ignores my apology and goes for another question. Typical Pippa.

"Why were you even here Harry? You knew Oli was coming over tonight?" She questions me.

Why did I even come over? Was it because I was jealous? No that can't be, it's Pippa we are talking about here. Why would I be jealous of Pippa making out with Oli? No I'm not jealous, I can't be?

"I don't know?" I answer honestly.

"So you don't know why you punched him, why you ruined my date and why you even came her in the first place?" She is getting angry now I can see it.

"I'm sorry, it's just I was trying to become friends with Oli until he told me he was into you!" I confess.

"Well Harry, I'm your best friend aren't I? You've got me!" She whispers.

"Pippa, you aren't I'm only friend, I can and do have other friends" Fuck! Did I actually just say that? Holy shit.

"Excuse me" shit I definitely caught her off guard, why did I say that? "Well I'm sorry Harry, I just thought.. Actually just leave get the hell away from me"

She pushes me out of her room and slams the door in my faces. I sit on the floor with my back against the door. I'm not leaving until, well until she isn't mad at me anymore.

Flashback over.


To my surprise I wake up early and head for the kitchen, I'm starving.i hear nothing, that's a surprise, I pause, I press my ear against the door, I don't here Pippa moving around the apartment, she is usually awake by now? I hope she didn't leave last night after I fell asleep to go see Niall, agh why even think that Harry? As I open the door, to my surprise there is Pippa asleep on the floor outside my bedroom. Seems like the roles are reversed this time.

I kneel down and pick up my best friend and carry her to her room. I lay her down in bed and I look over to the clock next to her bed, what? It's only 2:45am, my clock must be wrong because Pippa's clock is never ever wrong, she is like the time police. I tuck Pippa in and I decide that I'll sleep with her for the rest of the night.

(Hey guys! I'm so excited with this story! I love writing so much! I never knew I would enjoy it so much and the best part is while I'm writing it feels like I'm reading the story with you guys because I don't know what's going to happen next either!

I hope you guys are enjoying!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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