Chanyeol (It was a mistake)

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"WHAT!? How am I supposed to do that!? He isn't even my patient!" I argued as I followed an older, very respected doctor down the hall. I've been a doctor at SM hospital for more than a year.

I'm very smart and young, since doctors tend to be older, due to how long it takes them to study to become a doctor. I've just been told that there was some KPOP idol who had an emergency after his minor surgery. The doctor that operated on him was unfortunately away on a vacation.

"Well now he is." Doctor Nim said simply.

"Can't you just call doctor Jung!? The one who operated on him?" I pleaded as I followed her down the waiting room.

Doctor Nim suddenly stopped walking and spun around on her heel so fast, that I almost ran into her.

"From Guam!?" She demanded.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, "Arreso. I'll do it."

She smiled satisfied and handed my a folder with 'CONFIDENTIAL' written on it. I huffed and walked to the patient's room. Since  he was an idol, he had a nice private room.

I bowed looking at the people in the room once. There were 11 of them, all standing around with their faces full of worry and concern. "Hi I'm doctor Lianna. I'll be filling in for doctor Nim who is unfortunately on a vacation." I explained as I looked at his records.

"Park Chanyeol..." I whispered as I read his medical condition.

"Yes?" A deep voice asked that was clearly in pain, my head snapped up. And my eyes were locked with a pair of dark brown eyes, I blinked a few times and concentrated.

"So what's the problem? Anything wrong with your surgery?" I asked. "He said that he his lower right part was hurting. And he threw up a bunch of blood." A boazi looking guy said.

My eyes widened, I walked towards Chanyeol and pressed my fingers in his lower part. Right above the hip bone. He cried out in pain and winced. "What the hell!" Another one that looked like a panda asked.

"It's appendicitis." I said simply. They all blinked at me. "I'll explain later. Right now, he needs an emergency surgery. I'll do it and I'll be right back." I said. I grabbed my walked talkie and called a few nurses in. We quickly did the surgery and it was successful.

After the surgery, I walked out of the operating room and I was fixing my hair when the 11 boys -who were apparently from a KPOP group called "EXO", which is a very popular in Korea- ran up to me.

"How is he!?" Chen asked. They all had name tags on. "Chanyeol is perfectly fine. He just needs to rest for a while, and make sure that he doesn't overwork himself. Oh, and also give him these medications so that the pain isn't as intense and also it'll help him heal faster." I said as I handed them a paper with the medication on it so that they can get his medicine from the pharmacy. I bowed, smiled and they bowed back grateful. Then I walked off to my next patient.

A few hours later, I had to check Chanyeol to see if he was okay. I knocked gently on the door and went in. He was sleeping, so I guess that the sedative hadn't worn off yet. The heart monitor was blocking the silence as I softly hummed to a random song I heard on the radio this morning on my way to work. I checked his vitals and refilled his IV. I needed to check his blood pressure so I reached for the pumper which was on the other side of the night stand. I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked down and gasped when I saw Chanyeol staring at me. I jumped back and slammed a hand over my heart to calm myself.

"I thought you were asleep. I thought that the sedative didn't wear off. You scared the life out of me." I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"You have a beautiful voice." His deep voice said, which sent tingles down my spine. He tried to sit up, I rushed towards his and grabbed the remote which slowly moved up so he could sit up. I fluffed his pillows and adjusted them so he could sit comfortably. I tried not to notice the fact that he was staring at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up, I straightened my throat awkwardly and was about to step back. But then Chanyeol grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. I blinked when I felt a pair of soft lips against mine. But I slowly closed my eyes and kissed him back. We pulled away for air.

I coughed and walked out of the room. I heard Chanyeol give a low chuckle as I closed the door behind me. I looked at my clipboard and smiled.

There was a yellow sticky note on it. And written on it was-

I know we literally met today but, thanks for saving my life. As a thank you gift, how about I bring you out on a date tomorrow night? I'll pick you up if you have work? Call me:: xxx-xxx-xxxx (yours, Park Chanyeol)

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