Kyungsoo (Just for you)

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This imagine is dedicated to sopinkshi I really hope you enjoy this imagine (since it took me a super long time to write it) I love you
I pouted as I sat in my seat before English. I scribbled a messy circle in the corner of my notebook, not noticing the circle had created a hole through the the paper and that I was now on the 3rd page. My friend Yoo Ra snatched the pencil out of my hand.

"Ya Yoo Ra. Give it back." I said. She pointed to my notebook,

"Are you not noticing that you're making a huge whole through the paper? You're killing a lot of trees you know?" She scolded. I rolled my eyes, snatched the pencil back and started to draw an uneven heart on the paper.

"Are you okay? Is there something wrong going on with you and Kyungsoo?" Yoo Ra asked. I sighed and shook my head no.

Do Kyungsoo was my boyfriend and we've been together for over 3 months now. But these last few days, he's been distant. Maybe it's because that finals are around the corner? But he's the top of the whole school. He's a straight A student. What is he stressing over!?

Wait. HOLD UP. Am I... JEALOUS!?!? No. Nope. False. I am soooo not jealous. But why if I am!? Will that mean that I'm scared that I'm not good enough? Or that he'll cheat on me!? OH, IF HE CHESTS ON ME I'LL RIP HIS HEAD OFF. What. Ugh no wayyyy.

I shook my head and got the thought out of my head. What was I even thinking. The bell rang, I grabbed all my stuff and I walked out of class. I felt someone slide their hand into mine, and warmth filled my veins. "Hey princess." Kyungsoo said smiling at me.

"Oh so you decide to give me attention now?" I asked and rolled my eyes. He looked confused and I sighed. "Do you seriously not remember?" I asked.

"Remember what?" He asked. I sighed and walked away, so he first forgot our anniversary, and now my birthday?

"Babe, can you please tell me what's wrong?" He asked.

"You missed two very important events. That enough for you?" I asked. He looked confused for a second. And then his eyes widened in realization.

"Oh my god. I can't believe I forgot  it's because of finals. I really am sorry---" he began.

"No it's fine. Your grades are important. I get it. It's fine. I got to go." I said. Holding back my tears.

"But we promised to hang out today." He pouted.

"My grades matter too, you know?" I asked and started to walk away. Thank god that it was the end of the day. I ran as hard as I could all the way home and I started to sob. I didn't know why I was so emotional.

It shouldn't be a big deal. But Kyungsoo treats me like I'm so important. But he forgot all about me when finals come around. It's like his grades are more important than me. And it hurts.

My head aches from all the crying and I fell asleep. I woke up to a sound by my window. I sat up and rubbed my tear stained eyes. I jumped when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I looked awful. My hair was all messy, resting on my shoulders. My eyes were all red and puffy and by nose was stuffy.

I went over to the window to see who it was. I froze. It was Kyungsoo. I whipped around and slammed myself into the wall next to . Ding. That was my phone. I crawled so that he wouldn't see me and picked my phone up.

I saw you, you pabo. Now go open up your window in the next 10 seconds or I'll climb my way up.

Ding. Ten.

Ding. Nine.

Ding. Eight.

Ding. Seven.

Ding. Six.

Ding. Five.

Ding. Four.

Ding. Three.

Ding. Two.

Ding. So we're playing hard to get now are we.

There was a knocking sound on my window. I whipped around and saw Kyungsoo's cute little smile. I ran to the window and opened it up. I grabbed his arms and yanked him into my room.

I yelped when I fell back and he landed on top of me.

"What are you doing!?" I hissed. He stroked my cheek and kissed my head.

"Were you crying?" He asked. I blinked.

"W-what? N-no. Why do you think that..?" I asked. He stood up and pulled me up with him. I tried to pull away from him but he pulled me into a hug.

"Let go of me.." I whispered as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Come on." He said. I followed him to his car and we drove for a few.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll find out when we get there." He said with a smile. We finally stopped and we got out of there.

"Now can you tell me where we are?" I asked.  Kyungsoo covered my eyes and made me walk a few steps.

Then he uncovered my eyes... To total darkness.

Seriously what even is this!? I thought. Then the lights came on. There were yellow Christmas lights dangling with flowers and glitter I gasped when Kyungsoo pushed a cart with a white cake on it that said Happy late anniversary/ birthday Beautiful! I smiled.

I hugged Kyungsoo. "I'm sorry that I forgot our anniversary and your birthday. I seriously don't deserve someone as amazing as you. I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." I blushed and looked down. I heard him chuckle, he used his finger to make me look up at him.

He pulled his face closer to me and I held my breath. I closed my eyes and I felt nothing. Then I heard a burst of laughter. I opened my eyes and to my horror, Kyungsoo was laughing.

I pouted and punched him in the arm. "You're so cute." He laughed. Then, he held my face with one hand and placed the other on the small of my back. And I pushed him away, "Catch me if you can!" I sang as I ran off. "Yah! Get back here so I can kiss you!" He laughed as he chased me.

I was so glad to know, that he did everything just for me.

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