Kai (Asian or not)

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This imagine is dedicated to clairegrisham3 thanks for requesting again. I hope you like this imagine!

I sighed as I scrolled through Twitter, reading all the hateful and rude comments people said about me.

go to hell.

No one likes you.

She isn't even Asian. *THIS IS A REQUEST. SOMEONE ASKED ME FOR AN IMAGINE WHERE KAI WAS DATING A NON ASIAN GIRL. SO IM GIVING HER WHAT SHE WANTED. IF YOU ARE ASIAN THEN CALM DOWN YO. A lot of people have been commenting saying "what if I am Asian?" Like- okay cool. There's other imagines where it talks nothing about your race?? This is a request for goodness sakes. Okay that's it. *

Kai oopa is only dating you cuz ur butt is big. Bet it's fake. Like the rest of u.

How is my butt fake? I was born with a nice butt. Not my fault I was blessed. I wiped away the tears quickly as I heard the front door open.

"Hey babe." Kai, my boyfriend said as he hugged me. Yes Kai. As in Kim Jongin from the famous Kpop boy band "EXO".

I hugged him back as if my life depended on it. "Are you okay?" He asked me as he pulled my hair behind my ear. "I'm fine." I said, giving him a fake smile.

He lifted his eyebrow, he knew I was lying. I handed him my phone silently and he read the comments. His eyes widened about the one about my butt.

"I- what- how- you butt is nice but--" he stuttered as he read though the comments. "Claire why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he cupped my cheek. "Because, I didn't want you to worry. I mean, you're already under a bunch of stress and I didn't want to add on to it because your weak, stupid little girlfriend couldn't stand up for herself." I explained as tears rolled down my cheeks. He immediately hugged me and tried to help me calm down. "You aren't stupid Claire. And you aren't weak. Yes your little. Very short--" I punched his chest lightly and he laughed softly. "You're strong. Beautiful. Courageous. Outgoing. Charismatic. And you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't care what race you are. You could be African American, Chinese, Canadian, European, Mexican I wouldn't care. All I would care about is who you are on the inside. Your personality is what made me fall in love with you. And I fall deeper for you every single day. And I'm so glad that I can you mine." He finished. I smiled and kissed him and he automatically kissed me back.

We went out and I saw eyes just glaring at me. I looked down. Since I wasn't Asian, a lot of people hated on me. I know it shouldn't matter but I can't help it. Jongin noticed my behavior and tugged me closer to him. His hand laced with mine and he led my to a nearby shop. I searched through all the dresses and shirts as I searched for something cute.

I glanced over at Jongin to see him shopping himself. I smiled, but it was immediately wiped off when a pair of Asian girls walked up to him and started hitting on him. Calling him cute, hot, amazing, and talented. They were practically praising MY boyfriend. Jongin politely thanked them and looked over at me. "Claire, babe come here!" He called out. The girls' eyes widened when they saw me. "OPPA! That's your girlfriend!? She isn't even Asian?" I froze. It was only that. It wasn't because I was ugly, or stupid. It was my race!!

I walked up to the girls, "Yeah so what I'm white. What are you going to do about it? You think that all because I'm a different race deletes me out of his turn ons or something? Because race has nothing to do with why you are interested in someone. If you truly love them, you love them for their personality. Not what they look like. Got it? Now. Stop flirting with MY boyfriend and go get one for your own. Because even if I am white, I still got him. He loves me, and I love him. Deal with it." I snapped.

Jongin wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck and I jumped because my neck was super sensitive. I swatted him away. "I'm trying to serious and you aren't helping." I hissed. "Babe.." He whined. I shushed him and glared at the now stunned girls and led Jongin out of the store. "That was hot." He moaned. "I will castrate you." I said. (For all you that don't know what that means: castrate is when you remove a guy's testicles.) "but I need that." He said. "Well then you better shut up." I laughed. "I love you." He said and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I know."

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