Xiumin- (Who Wins?)

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This imagine is requested by EstherSim8 I really hope you like it, Esther. And thanks for all the love and support💕. Thank you all for all the love, hope you guys enjoy!!


I walked down the hallway at school. I groaned on the inside because it was only Tuesday. But it's felt like I've been here for years.

I opened up my locker and grabbed my AP Biology textbook (lol I'm taking that class soooo😂) I closed my locker and jumped when I saw Junho in front of my leaning next to my locker. "Holy lord god." I said as I slapped my hand over my heart. Junhoe laughed. "I didn't  scare you that bad, did I?" He asked, still laughing. I rolled my eyes and started walking away. "Yah, wait up." He said as he followed behind me. "What class do you have?" He asked. "Why do you care?" I teased back. "Because I have a crush on you." He said. I stopped walking to look at him. "Bwo?" I said. His eyes widened, realizing what he said. "Uh. Uh. You're cute." He stuttered. I blinked. He coughed awkwardly. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah." He answered. "Huh." I said as I started walking again.

"Yah. I'm older than you. Show me some respect." He huffed. "Yeah... No." I said as I went to the vending machine. I was about to open by backpack when Junhoe inserted some money into the machine. I looked at him, baffled. "Go ahead. By whatever you want." He said with a wide smile. I looked at him suspiciously as I chose the cheapest snack. "Yaaaaaaaaah. You could have totally abused that." He said shaking his head in disappointment.

I slapped the snack to his chest and grabbed to most expensive drink for myself. I shook the drink in his face before I walked off to my classroom. Junhoe stared after me. Totally speechless.

-After class-
I walked out of my biology class and sighed. I screeched when I felt someone grab my wrist and slam my back against the wall. I looked up to see Xiumin smiling at me. "Yah, that hurt. Do you know that?" I asked as I tried to push him off of me. But he didn't move. "Yah Min Seok-ah." I said laughing as I tried to push him off again.

Xiumin has been my friend for a while. We weren't super close but we had a good relationship with each other. "I like you." He said. I immediately stopped trying to push him off. My hands rested on his chest. "W-what?" I said. "I. Like. You." He said slower.

I was absolutely stunned. I kept on staring into his eyes. Trying to see if he was joking. "Heh. Hahaha. Nice one Min Seok. You almost got me there." I said as I awkwardly laughed and finally pushed him off. I screeched again when he grabbed my by my wrist and once again pushed me against the wall. "I'm not joking y/n." He said. I blinked, "Well what do you want me to do about it?" I asked. Seriously wondering. "Be my girlfriend." He answered.

(A/N: Can we just take a moment and appreciate how bootiful the oldest member in EXO is? ... Like: HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THE COLOR PURPLE NOW DUDE? I mean, Chen  is still the love of my life but STILL.)


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It was raining outside

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It was raining outside. I looked out my window as I tried to choose. I rested my chin on my knees as I thought.

What am I supposed to do!? I like them both. But I NEVER thought of them like THAT. And after they both confessed, I don't know how to feel.

I sighed as I closed my eyes as I thought about being with them.

Only one relationship made me truly happy.

-the next day-

"So it's me?" Xiumin asked. I blushed and looked down at the floor. "Yeah." I grumbled. He chuckled. And I gasped when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me. "I'm glad it was me." He said. I smiled and hugged him back, "Me too." (A/n: WHO'S THAT SEXY THING I SEE OVER THERE? THAT'S  ME. STANDING IN THE MIRROR.)


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