Percy VIII

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Percy was standing in front of Kronos again. Darkness surrounded them, the only source of light was the slight golden glow of Kronos's body.

"So, back for more, Goldy?" Percy insulted him. Kronos growled. "You'll pay for that, Sea Scum." Percy started to heat up Kronos's ichor.

Kronos collapsed, screaming in pain. "Stop! Stop!" he pleaded. Percy didn't want to stop. It felt so good to hurt him, after everything he'd done, all the lives he'd taken.

A part of him was screaming for him to stop, that he had promised Annabeth he'd never control anything he shouldn't again. Another part was egging him on, telling him to continue.

Percy didn't know which part to listen to. Making Kronos feel pain made Percy happy, happier than he thought possible. But Annabeth meant everything to him and if he continued to do this, he might lose her.

Percy gave up control of Kronos's ichor and that's when the Titan kicked out at Percy with his legs. Percy, stunned, fell back. "Nice try, demigod. But I am, and always will be, more powerful than you," snarled Kronos.

"Is that why you were pleading for me to stop? Because you were more powerful?" Percy mocked, despite the fact that Kronos could kill him right then and there.

The Titan glared at Percy. He felt a sharp pain at the back of his head and even more darkness started to surround him, if that was even possible. Kronos's muffled voice sounded in his head: "I will destroy everything you love. And there will be nothing in my way."

Percy opened his eyes, expecting to be greeted by the bright lights of the infirmary. Instead, he found that he was in the dark and tied to a chair made of....wheat? Well, that's random. Oh right, Kronos was also the Titan of the harvest.

Well, if it was wheat, then he would be able to break it easily. Percy struggled against the grain. Surprisingly, it didn't break. Percy looked up from his chair. Something that looks like a window was in front of him, displaying a forest on fire.

A TV show? No. It looks more like....the camp forest. It was on fire and demigods, satyrs and dryads were running back and forth, carrying buckets of water.

There was no sound whatsoever. An annoying ringing sound invaded Percy's ears. He heard a deep voice laugh. "Yes, sea spawn. That is your precious camp forest. It will be so delicious to destroy your home."

"You're still here?" Percy groaned. "What? You don't like me?" asked Kronos, pretending to sound hurt. "Of course I'm still here. And I will never leave!"

"Not if I can help it," Percy declared. "Unfortunately for you, you can't help it," said Kronos. "Now excuse me as I destroy all your loved ones." And with that, the Titan's presence disappeared, leaving Percy in the dark.

The scene in the window thingy started to move. It seemed like it was running. Then, Percy realised he was watching himself move. Kronos was controlling his body.

That means if Kronos does anything, the campers would think it was Percy who did it. Was this how Luke felt? Tied up and forced to watch as Kronos did everything he would never want to do?

Well, that was how Percy felt. And he didn't like it, not one bit. Once again, Percy struggled to free himself. He could feel it weakening slightly, but not enough to break out of it.

Who knew it would be so difficult to break wheat? Percy sure didn't. "Percy!" called a voice that Percy wished didn't belong to who he knew it was. Wait, what? What did that even mean? Eh, whatever.

"We need your help with the fire!" said Annabeth. Percy somehow knew that Kronos was smiling. Well, Percy was smiling, but Percy wasn't smiling. It was Kronos inside of Percy who was making Percy smile while Percy wasn't smiling.

None of Percy's thoughts made any sense at all to himself. Was this the side-effect of being the host of Kronos? Or was he always like this. To be honest, he really hoped it was the former.

"You know what? I'm not sure I wanna help you guys," said Kronos. Or Percy, whatever. Annabeth looked like she'd been slapped right across the face. "What?" she asked, shocked. Then, realisation dawned on her face, and then anger showed up. "Kronos," she spat.

How didn't she know it was Kronos the entire time though? Wouldn't his eyes have been golden? Without warning, Annabeth punched Kronos, or Percy, once again, whatever, in the gut.

Kronos/Percy doubled over in pain, and so did Percy. Well, at least, he would've been doubled over, had he not been tied to that stupid chair. Apparently,Kronos was oh so generous that he allowed Percy to feel everything he felt. Wow, so generous. Annabeth grabbed Kronos/Percy's wrist and pulled him over her shoulder, slamming him into the ground.

The forest was still blazing but the campers, dryads and satyrs had been able to dim it down slightly. "Give. Me. Back. My. Boyfriend!" Annabeth snarled, pushing Kronos/Percy's arm further up his back with each word (Hmm....wondering whether that makes sense or not).

Despite the immense pain he felt in his arm, Percy was glad his girlfriend was so strong, and scary. "Alright, alright!" said Kronos/Percy. Percy felt like he was being sucked into the window thingy.

One moment, Percy was in the dark, ride to a wheat chair, the next, he was on the ground, his girlfriend on top of him and basically scaring the crud out of him. "Can you get off me now?" Percy groaned.

"Sorry, Percy." Annabeth got up and offered him her hand, which he took. Jason was flying around the forest fire, putting out some of the smaller fires with wind. He couldn't put out the bigger fires because there was a chance they would spread even faster.

"Mind putting out the fire, Perce?" called Jason. "Oh, yeah, sure!" Percy called back up. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the canoe lake and the few ponds that were in the burning forest. He felt the familiar tug in his gut and heard water crash down on the forest, instantly putting out the fire and dousing most of the campers. One of the campers was Clarisse. Oops.

"You'd better run, Jackson, 'cause you're gonna get my fist in your face if you don't!" warned the daughter of Ares. At least, she had the decency to warn him. Percy took off. He could take on Clarrise, but he was tired out from using his powers so much. Between fighting and running, the latter seemed to be the better option.

It's 11 at night right now. I guess I should be sleeping, huh? I can't help it. I just finished listening to a bunch of Fall Out Boy songs and their songs wake me up more than coffee does. Hope you enjoyed the chapter or whatever this was....I'm hungry.


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