Annabeth IX

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Annabeth watched as Clarisse chased her boyfriend around camp. Despite having used his powers so much, he was still fast enough to outrun Clarisse. Though, how he could see in the darkness of the late night, Annabeth didn't know.

"Get back here!" yelled Clarisse. "No thanks!" Percy called over his shoulder, still running. "Do you think we should stop her?" asked Hazel. "Nah. This is actually kinda amusing," replied Nico.

"Since when did you find anything amusing?" asked Jason, who'd gotten out of the infirmary with Piper earlier. "I find a lot of things amusing. Like the skeletons I summon. They don't really have brains so they keep bumping into stuff. That's pretty amusing," Nico shrugged.

Chiron came walking out of the infirmary. He had been checking the wounded with the Apollo campers. "Clarisse, stop," he said calmly. Clarisse obliged, though she obviously did it reluctantly.

Chiron limped towards Clarisse and Percy, who had stopped along with Clarisse when Chiron told her to stop. Chiron's limp was barely noticable now, thanks to ambrosia and Will's expertise in medication.

The rest of the camp watched as the centaur limped over to Percy. "Did my father start the fire?" he asked quietly, so everyone else couldn't hear him, but the rest of the Seven, Nico and Clarisse were close enough to hear him.

"Your father?" Clarisse asked, shocked. "You mean Kronos?" At the word 'Kronos', the campers behind Annabeth gasped. She guessed that they remembered what had happened the last time that Titan appeared.

Percy nodded slowly. Annabeth thought she saw a little bit of fear in Chiron's eyes, but it quickly vanished. A bright yellow light appeared in front of Annabeth, forcing her to avert her eyes.

When Annabeth looked back, a teenager with sandy hair and a smile that could blind a person was standing there. "Lord Apollo?" asked Annabeth. The other campers were bowing down.

"Yup! And I have come with a haiku!" Apollo cleared his throat. "Zeus sends me to camp-" "Stop, you insufferable moron!" yelled Percy. The only problem was that it wasn't Percy. One of his eyes was golden. The other was still sea green, but Annabeth could see a few golden spots in it.

The rest of the camp gasped. Even Apollo looked shock. He quickly shook it off. "Ah, yeah. I heard about your problem with Kronos," he smiled sadly. The camp erupted with questions:

"What did he say?"

"His problem with Kronos?"

Percy glared at the sun god. Apollo sighed. "Zeus has given an order to destroy you. He doesn't want what happened last time to happen again."

"You'll have to catch me first," snarled Percy. Annabeth suddenly felt like she was moving in slow motion. She could see the others struggling against the force of Kronos out of the corner of her eye.

Percy took off towards the forest, leaving the rest of the camp, and Apollo, in slow motion. Once Percy disappeared from her sight, Annabeth felt Kronos's power over time vanish and she could move freely.

"Oh, great. Dad's gonna kill me!" said Apollo. "Not to worry, Lord Apollo. We'll find him, somehow," Chiron assured him. "You don't really have to destroy him, do you?" asked Annabeth.

"Hopefully not. I kinda like that kid," said Apollo. "I'd better go tell Dad. He's not gonna like this. See ya!" And with that, Apollo started to glow. Once he disappeared, Chiron turned to the campers. "We shall look Percy in the morning. Now, we must rest. To your cabins!" he ordered.

Annabeth trudged to her cabin, following her half-siblings. She climbed into bed without even changing her clothes. She stared at the ceiling of her cabin until sleep finally claimed her.

Annabeth was following Percy as he crashed through a dark forest. She tried to tell him to stop but her voice didn't work. Darn dream.

Percy suddenly stopped. He looked around the woods. Annabeth heard a bunch of growls in the dark. Hellhounds leapt towards Percy, but instantly froze in mid-air, their dark, cruel eyes wide.

Percy smiled. "You wouldn't attack a Titan, would you?" Percy stepped out of the way and the hellhounds continued to move at their normal speeds. Their heads crashed into one another's and they whimpered.

The first hellhound that got up turned to Percy, sniffing the air. It lowered its body, in some kind of weird hellhound bow. The rest followed. "Good to see you know who your leader is," said Percy. He crouched down next to one of the hellhounds. "Go find more monsters and recruit them. Another war is coming, and I intend to win this one."

The hellhounds bobbed their furry heads up and down and dashed back into the woods. Percy turned to Annabeth. He had an evil smirk on his face. "Your camp will be destroyed. There is no way for you to get this son of Poseidon back."

He started to laugh cruelly. Something that Annabeth never thought possible. Annabeth glared at Percy and found that she could talk again. "You're wrong. We'll find a way. Hang in there, Seaweed Brain."

Percy's eyes started to flicker from golden to sea green before turning back to golden. Percy sneered. "Whatever you say, daughter of Athena."

Annabeth sat straight up in her bed. She had to tell Chiron about her dream. She rushed out of her cabin, crashing into furniture and probably waking her half-siblings on her way out. The sun was just starting to rise.

She ran all the way to the Big House and banged on the door until Chiron came to open it. "Annabeth? What is it, my child?"

"Percy is- Are those curlers in your tail?" Annabeth couldn't help it. Chiron looked embarrassed. "Yes, but that's not the point. What were you going to say about Percy?"

"Well, it's more of Kronos than Percy. He's forming another army."

"Another army? That would mean another war."

"Yeah, I know. We have more demigods but in Percy's body, Kronos would be a lot more powerful."

Chiron seemed to start aging right in front of her. "I'm getting too old for this," Chiron ran his hand through his hair. "Get the rest of the Seven" he instructed. "And Nico, as well," he added.

"No doubt that Percy will try to hold my father back as long as he can but you'll have to find him before Kronos takes full control of his body."

Meh. It's the holidays for me though, so I got that going for me. But my bathroom started leaking, so I have to sleep downstairs....for some reason. Yeah, I don't really know why I gotta sleep downstairs. Oh well. Oh, and I have to sleep on the floor. Ain't that just great?


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