Jason XIV

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"So...Percy. You actually got a plan,man?" asked Jason. "Yeah," answered Percy, not exactly sounding confident.

"You sure? You don't sound sure," said Frank. Percy nodded. "I'm sure. Now, someone has to knock me out."

"What?" asked Jason, confused. Annabeth punched Percy in the head, making him collapse instantly. "Okay. I'm gonna go now," said Jason.

He pecked Piper on the cheek. "See you later. I'm going back to Camp Jupiter." He headed towards the Hecate cabin. Frank followed him, being the praetor and all.

As they walked away, Jason heard Annabeth telling Leo to carry Percy to the infirmary and the son of Hephaestus complaining. Jason chuckled.

As soon as Jason and Frank reached the Hecate cabin, they saw Lou Ellen inside, practicing a spell. "Hey!" called Jason.

Lou spun around quickly and shot a spell at Jason. Luckily, she missed and hit the door. The wooden door caught on fire. "Oops..."muttered Lou, putting out the fire with a water spell.

"Sorry about that, Lou," apologised Jason. "We're going to Camp Jupiter. Do you mind transporting us there?"

Lou walked closer and chanted an incantation. Jason felt an uncomfortable tug in the back of his navel. It wasn't the most comfortable way of travel, but it was probably the quickest.

Jason blinked, and when he opened his eyes, he was standing in the Senate House with Frank by his side. He could hear a battle raging outside.

Jason exchanged glances with Frank and ran out of the building. Demigods were running around, either chasing monsters or being chased.

"Back, you slobbering beasts! Back!" The statue of Terminus was lying on its side, trying to keep the monsters away from the city. Monsters were growling at it, not being able go closer without being insulted by an angry statue and blasted into pieces.

"Jason! Go help Terminus. I'm gonna find Reyna!" ordered Frank. Jason nodded and dashed towards the statue, flipping his coin and catching the Imperial Gold spear that the coin transformed into.

He made his way towards Terminus, stabbing any monster that tried to block him. He killed the monsters that were surrounding Terminus.

"Terminus, what's happening?" Jason asked. "Well, I'd tell you but it's not really the time," answered the statue, probably gesturing towards the monsters behind Jason.

"Right. I'll ask Reyna later," muttered Jason. "Hey, wait! Before you go, perhaps you could help me up?" said Terminus.

Jason sighed. He moved towards Terminus and put him back into place. "Ah, thank you, son of Jupiter," said Terminus.

"Whatever. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go kill some monsters." Jason turned around and started to look for Reyna among the many demigods that were fighting the monsters.

Ugh, my brain hurts. I can't think of anything to write anymore! WHY! It's so annoying.


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