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As soon as Reyna sent an Iris-Message to Nico about the attack, he shadow-travelled to Camp Jupiter. He had sensed a lot of deaths, which confused him, but he hadn't really paid attention what with Percy's predicament and his secret relationship with Will.

Though, he wasn't really sure it was secret anymore. He was sure Frank had seen the vase of flowers that Will had sent him. He just hoped he didn't tell anyone.

He appeared in the Senate House, which was extremely awkward because everyone there stared at him in surprise. Reyna stood in front of the senators with Frank and Jason beside her, speaking in hushed tones.

Reyna beckoned him towards her. When Nico reached her aide, Reyna gave him a quick hug (A/N Cause seriously, who doesn't love Nico?). The son of Hades didn't mind one bit. It wasn't that he liked her that way. After all, he did have Will. He just had a type of brotherly love for her, as if she were part of his family.

The Senate House was pretty much completely destroyed. Part of the roof had collapsed onto the seats where the senators sat. It didn't really matter, seeing as at least half of the senators were absent.

Nico listened to Reyna as she spoke. Well, he tried anyway. He couldn't hear anything over the sound of marching. Wait, marching?

It seemed the senators had noticed it too. They were looking around in confusion, trying to look for the source. Reyna had stopped talking and was also searching for the source.

Realising the sound was coming from outside, everyone in the building ran out. An army of monsters was marching towards the camp. "Oh, come on. Again?" one of the senators protested.

"Get ready for battle!" ordered Reyna. They raised their weapons. They were determined to keep them away from the city, where the demigods who lived there couldn't be able to defend themselves very well.

They waited for the monster army to reach them, other demigods soon joining them in their wait. The strange thing was, the army didn't seem to be there for battle. None of them wore armor. Not even a single weapon was among them.

In the lead was a Titan that Nico knew very well. Bob. Nico ran to greet him, ignoring the other monsters and Reyna calling his name.

Nico jumped into Bob's open arms and hugged him. He wouldn't have done this to any human being, unless it was Hazel...or Reyna....or Will.

"You're not here to attack us, are you?" asked Nico, worried. "No. We are here to make friends," answered Bob. The Titan put Nico down on the ground gently.

Small Bob hopped from Bob's shoulder and onto Nico's head. Nico giggled as the cat's tail tickled his nose (A/N I'm not sure why, but I feel uneasy when I imagine Nico smiling or giggling or anything like that).

The cat traveled from the top of Hades's head onto his shoulder. Nico patted its furry head. The demigods behind him watched in awe, probably wondering why he wasn't being torn to shreds right now.

"I think you should introduce yourselves," Nico whispered to Bob. The Titan nodded in agreement. He opened his mouth to say something to the other demigods, but stopped. He leaned down to Nico's level.

"What am I supposed to say?" he asked. Nico didn't know how to answer, so he just took the Titan's wrist and led him towards the gathered demigods, who raised their weapons.

"Reyna, Frank, Jason, all you other people, this is Bob, or Iapetus, as most of you should know him." Nico gestured towards said Titan. He raised his hand in greeting. "Hello, I am Bob." The Titan gently picked up Small Bob from Nico's shoulder. "And this is Small Bob!" he announced proudly.

The monster army that stayed behind started to move forward slowly and non-threateningly. Everyone, except Nico, Reyna, Frank and Jason, moved back in fear, even though the monsters made no move to completely and utterly crush them.

One of the hellhounds barked happily and bounded towards Nico, startling him so much, he took a step back. The slobbering monster produced onto him and started licking him.

"Mrs O'leary! Mrs O'leary! Stop!" yelled Nico while being licked to death. She obliged but not before giving him another big and saliva-filled lick. She stepped to the side and allowed Nico to haul himself up by grabbing onto his collar.

Jason stepped up to Bob and offered to shake his hand. "Uh...Nice meeting you...Bob," he said nervously. "I am Bob!" The Titan literally picked him up and shook him up and down.

Going great so far, thought Nico. With the Roman trembling with fear, he doubted that they would make friends too soon. But they have to try at least. And that's exactly what they were gonna do.

School starts on Mondaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy. Someone please kill me.......Also, sorry about the short chapter. My brain sucks.


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