Annabeth XIII

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One moment, Annabeth was listening to Apollo in the infirmary; the next, she was standing next to Athena's throne on Olympus.

Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank and Nico were next to their godly parents' thrones. Percy was standing alone in the middle of the throne room.

"Perseus Jackson," boomed Zeus. "Uh, it's Percy," corrected the son of Poseidon. Zeus glared at him but continued. "You host the king of the the Titans, Kronos." The gods and goddesses flinched at the Titan's name.

"We have made a decision to destroy you," stated Zeus. Panic gripped Annabeth's heart. She'd lost Percy once, but she'd gotten him back. If Zeus killed him, she'd never get him back. Unless, of course, she killed herself. And to be honest, if that was the only option, she would do it in a heartbeat.

"Uh, well, I voted against it," Hermes spoke up. "As did I." Poseidon glared at Zeus, who shrank slightly under the intense look his brother was giving him. Zeus cleared his throat. "Yes, but, only you, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis and Athena had voted against it."

Athena had voted to not kill Percy? Annabeth didn't expect that. Her godly mother gave her a sad smile.

"So, do you have anything to say before we destroy you?" asked Zeus. Percy tilted his head sideways as if listening to something. "Give me a couple days, Lord Zeus. I'll figure something out," he said.

Percy was calling him 'Lord Zeus'? That was strange. Zeus pondered this. The gods started whispering among one another.

The gods returned their attention to Percy. "You have been given three days. If you have not gotten rid of Kronos by then, you will be destroyed," said Zeus.

Three days? That wasn't so bad. Annabeth was sure that was enough time to figure out how to get rid of Kronos. At least, she hoped it was enough.

"I'll get rid of him," promised Percy. Zeus nodded. "Good luck, son," said Poseidon. Zeus snapped his fingers and they were all transported back to camp.

The problem was that they weren't transported gently. They landed in a pile in the middle of camp. Except for Percy, who was standing five feet away, watching them struggle in amusement.

Annabeth was on top of Leo, who happened to be at the very bottom of the pile. "Out of all the people, why am I at the bottom?" Leo asked, sounding like he was being crushed, which he was.

"Perce? A little help here?" asked Jason. "Nah, I like to see you struggle," he answered. Wow, what a great boyfriend.

By the time they'd separated, a crowd of demigods had gathered to watch like Percy, trying not to laugh as they watched. Annabeth had cursed at least fifteen times in the two minutes it took.

Well, they have three days to get rid of Kronos and they'd wasted two minutes trying to get off of one another. Off to a great start, weren't they?

Sorry it's so short. Well, not really. My mind hurts from thinking so much. If you haven't guessed already, I don't use my brain much so I'm not used to it. I'm stupid.


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