Aaaaaand I got tagged again. Thanks, tikachi...

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Thank you so much, tikachi, for tagging me...really...I appreciate it...

Anyway, le rules:

1. You have to post the rules.
2. You MUST tag 13 people.
3. You must say 13 things about yourself.
4. You must answer all 13 questions.
5. You must write 13 more questions for those you tag.
6. You cannot and may not say "I don't do tags" or anything along those lines to get out of this.
7. Tag backs are allowed.
8. You must do this within a week.

It's so much better to copy and paste than to write the whole thing yourself.

If your crush asked you to the school dance, would you slap him and tell him to get a life, or narrow your eyes and back away?

My school actually doesn't have dances, but I'd probably just narrow my eyes and back away. If I slapped him, it might ruin any chance of us ever getting together.

What website do you spend the MOST time on?

YouTube, obviously. I have no life.

What is a unique hobby of yours?

Uh....I like to talk to myself a lot. Make up arguments with other people. Does that count as a hobby?

What are you typing on atm?

A Sony Xperia J which has a lot of cracks.

Have you ever attempted to murder someone?

Of course. There's this one kid at my squash training who keeps hitting me with his racket and stuff. So I tried to strangle him when the coach wasn't looking.


*suspicious voice* Whaaaaaaaat? Of course not! Do these hooves look like hooves to you? I mean hands! Hands! DO THESE HANDS LOOK LIKE HOOVES TO YOU?! Please don't call animal control on me...

Percabeth or Percico?

Percabeth ftw. Though I respect the Percico shippers.

Roughly, how much time do you spend on electronics per day?

Probably 2 hours a day lately. My dad put a password and a time lock on the family computer so I can't use it all that much anymore. Plus I have to sleep. I cant just spend the entire night on my phone.

Do you have any nickname(s)? Is so, what is it?

Well, my sister used to call me Salad because my name sounded a bit like it. And I once did something that resulted in my hair looking like an otter's head. So my mom started calling me Little Otter.

If you could choose a book character to live with for the rest of your life, who would it be?

I'd have to say Newt from The Maze Runner series. Now, if only I can bring him back from the dead. And make him immune. *cries because of all the feelz*

What is your most embarrassing moment?

What would you do if Hera suddenly appeared in your room and smiled evilly?

I'd tell her to get out of my room while throwing my dirty clothes at her.

Do you like Dr Jean's Banana Dance?

I'm not gonna answer this question.


I'm not gonna tag anyone because f*ck the rules. I'm a rebel and rebels don't obey rules.

Also, I'd just start an all-out tag war. know...

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