Not an update, just got tagged

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I got tagged by Treblestar, ugh, so you know, I gotta answer a bunch of questions. 13 to be exact.

1. You have to post the rules.
2. You MUST tag 13 people.
3. You must say 13 things about yourself.
4. You must answer all 13 questions.
5. You must write 13 more questions for those you tag.
6. You cannot and may not say "I don't do tags" or anything along those lines to get out of this.
7. Tag backs are allowed.
8. You must do this within a week.

Okay, those were the rules. Let's get started.

Play any sports?
I play squash. I'm not sure whether anyone here knows what that is, but it's a sport so...

What about instruments? Any instrument I play always end up sounding like a possessed cat with a hairball stuck in its throat.

Favourite food?
Pizza without any vegetables. I don't like eating them.

What color is your hair? (Naturally)
Black. What were you expecting? Purple? I'm not from the Capitol.

What are you wearing right now?
Oh, um, well, this is embarrassing. I actually am not wearing a shirt right now. Just a pair of black shorts with two stripes down each side.

What time is it as you answer this?
3:08 pm

Favourite animal?
Either the wolf or the owl. Probably the wolf though.

Any siblings?
I have two sisters and one brother, all of them older. So yeah, I'm the youngest in my family. Yet, the one who gets the best grades. Hah! Suck on that, you shanks!

Favourite color(s)
Light blue and neon green.

Creation or evolution?
Uh, I'd have to go with evolution...

Bill Nye or Ken Ham?

Do you like cheese?
Depends on what kind of cheese. If it's cheddar, then yes. If it's goat cheese, then yes. If it's blue cheese, then yes. If it's any other cheese, then yes. I love cheese.

My turn:

When you die, would you like to be reborn, if given the choice, or stay dead?

What YouTuber do you want to meet the most?

What was your favourite childhood show that is no longer airing?

Chicken wings or pizza?

Any toys that you had as a child and still keep?

Do you like raisins?

What would you do if WiFi was suddenly banned in your country?

How many people have you killed so far, even by accident?

Do you write stories while on the toilet?

On your last days on Earth, when you're old and about to die, who would you want to be with the most?

Would you want to be immortal? Outliving your friends and family, knowing you'll never see them ever again because they're dead?

If you had one superpower, what would it NOT be? And why not?

If you were going on a hunting trip, what character from what book would you like as your companion?

Remember to type out your own questions after answering.

And now, the tags:


Hehe, sorry about tagging you. But, rules are rules. Ah....I'm a big jerk.

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