Annabeth XVIII

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Annabeth wasn't too sure Percy was free of Kronos. He seemed too eager to get out of the infirmary. Well, she wouldn't have wanted to stay there either, but Percy had seemed way too eager.

She wanted to follow him but the rest of the Seven had convinced her that maybe he needed some time alone. After all, he was recently hosting the king of the Titans.

She tried to take her mind off of her boyfriend by training at the arena. But no matter what she did, the son of Poseidon kept sneaking his way into her mind.

After training for a while (but most of the time, she was thinking about Percy), she saw the son of Poseidon rush past the arena.

Wondering what that was about, she decided on following him. Percy headed for the Big House, occasionally tripping on stones in his hurry.

He went straight for Chiron's office. He knocked so hard on the door, Annabeth thought it was gonna break down.

The old centaur opened the door, a frown visible on his bearded face. "Percy?" he asked, with a bit of worry in his eyes. Annabeth guessed he was thinking of the 'broken leg' incident.

The daughter of Athena was hiding behind an umbrella stand, which wasn't the wisest of options. Chiron looked her in the eye in confusion. "Annabeth? What are you doing behind that umbrella stand?"

She jumped up from behind her 'brilliant' hiding spot, brushed dust off of her jeans and waved at them as if nothing had happened.

"So...what's going on?" she asked, trying to change the topic. Percy returned his attention to Chiron. "Gaea's gonna attack tonight."

Annabeth had never seen Chiron look so wary. "There are too many injured campers to fight back," he muttered, looking as if he'd lost all hope.

"We have the hunters. We could contact the Romans. They'd help us," suggested Percy. Chiron looked slightly more hopeful. "Yes, yes. Good idea, Percy. I'll send an Iris-Message to-"

A scream sounded from outside, followed by more screams. "Older demigods, get ready to fight! Protect the younger ones!" Annabeth could hear the muffled sound of Clarisse yelling orders.

They ran outside, Chiron galloping, to see what all the commotion was about. The demigods who'd been at camp longer pushed the younger demigods behind them, weapons drawn.

There were only around 30 demigods that were out there. The others were still in the infirmary, being healed by the Apollo kids.

The Hunters of Artemis were there too, with Thalia in the lead. The monsters seemed to be coming from the Hecate cabin. Either the Hecate kids were practicing a new spell and messed up (which had happened quite a few times before), or someone let them in.

Annabeth readied her dagger, but the Titan in the lead made her drop it. She ran up to the 20 foot (A/N How tall are Titans again? 15? 20 feet? I forgot :/), Einstein-haired man.

Bob picked her up and squeezed her tightly, but luckily not tight enough to kill her. "Uh, never mind! Lower your weapons! I guess..." ordered Clarisse.

Small Bob, who sat upon Bob's broad shoulder, mewed softly and licked her face. Nico was standing next to Bob.

"I assume these monsters are actually here to help us?" Annabeth asked him. With a small smile, the son of Hades nodded.

With this many monsters, they were bound to win against Gaea. Maybe there was hope after all.

School has officially started for me. Eurgh. I fell asleep in class on Wednesday and got scolded. I mean, of course I did. I'd been sleeping in since the beginning of the holidays. Do the teachers honestly think I'd be able to stay awake in those boring old classes, listening to them drone on and on about whatever the Hades they were talking about? They act as if we should have adjusted to it after the one and a half months we'd been having so much sleep during.


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