Chapter 1: Memories

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Aphmau's POV:

"Ugh! Why is this closet so messy!", I complained. I was trying to find my sneakers that I just HAD to throw in there along with all of my other junk. Suddenly, something fell off the shelf and hit my head.

"Ow! What was th..." I looked at it. It was the bag I had been carrying when  I first came to Phoenix Drop. I opened it, revealing a shiny crystal and a photo album. As I opened the album, I saw a picture me and some other people, all dressed in costumes.

"My friends...", I trailed off. Sly,Katz,Steven, Alex, Kala, Pbat, Jose, and Castor... Wait! Why do I feel like I have met someone else named Castor? I don't know... I probably just miss them all.

I then remembered the crystal. It was a memory crystal, just like the ones I had left Sly, except this one contains the memory of a day that changed our lives forever.


"Come on guys! Keep up!", I yelled giggling, "It's just over this hill!"

"Jess, slow down! We can't keep up". Sly complained.

"Yeah we're tired! It's 6 in the morning and you just ran in to our rooms screaming to come on and suddenly we are being dragged through the forest! I mean come on! What is worth getting up at this ti...", Steven trailed off. "Woah... OK maybe it was worth it."

Before us was now a giant building made entirely of quartz and glass. It was taller than any tree in the area.

"Well! Come on! Let's see what's inside!", I ran into the building.

"Jess wa..."

"Steven, dude, we all know that there is use arguing with her. Let's just  go with it.", Katz reasoned.


Inside was a giant chamber with an open ceiling, along with a wide path lined with quartz pillars, each with a different image. At the end of the path was a stairway leading down, in front  of which was a table with a stone hammer resting on it. As we would tell each other later, we were each drawn to a different pillar, except for me. I walked to the hammer. (Because I'm lazy, here is a list of who went to which pillar and what was on each pillar)

Sly: a blue, upside-down triangle(that is my best description. Don't judge me)

Katz: a microchip

Alex: a red "S"

Steven: a green lantern( bet you can't guess who he is gonna be)

Kala: a row of 4 silver claw marks

Pbat: a black car

Jose: a green bow and arrow

Castor: a purple sniper scope(I already used a bow and arrow OK)

As I got closer, I was able to read the plaque. It read "Only he that is worthy may wield the Mjolnir and lead a group of heroes". Out of curiosity, I grabbed the handle and, using all of my strength, as I expected it to be heavy, lifted the hammer Surprisingly, it was extremely light. I could barely tell I was holding it.

"Hey guys! Look!', I yelled, holding up the hammer. Suddenly, a bright flash of lightning struck the hammer through the open ceiling and split, hitting each pillar. The symbols on the pillars started to glow, as did the hammer, and we were lifted into the air. As we looked about us, bewildered, the glowing symbols came off the pillars, and went inside of  each of my friends. I, on the other hand, was struck with a second bolt of lightning. As all of the lights died down and we were placed on the floor, rather hardly, we all blacked out for a few minutes.

"Ugh, my head...", complained Castor.

"What happened? And what are you guys wearing?", Sly questioned, until he realized his voice sounded rather electronic. "What am I wearing?!" He was wearing what looked to be a red and gold (butter :D) suit of complete iron with glowing blue triangle in the center. He looked down at his hands, finding that they, too, were glowing blue. "I wonder what these dooo-aughhh!", he screamed as a jet of blue light appeared from his hand.

"Woah, Sly are you ok?", Kala asked as she stared at her new outfit of complete black. Suddenly, 2 silver claws appeared from her clenched knuckles. "Cool!"

"Umm, guys! A little help here!", Alex yelled, as he was now floating about the room in a red and blue suit with a red cape and a red "S", much like the one on the pillar on his chest.

"I'm more concerned about the fact that Jose looks like Robin Hood." , Pbat said, stifling a laugh.Even though it might have been mean, that is exactly what Jose looked like. He had on a complete green outfit, along with a Robin Hood hat, a green mask, and a bow with a quiver of arrows.

"You're one to talk! You're wearing a black spandex cat suit with a black cape!", quipped Jose. 

"Is no one concerned that I am suddenly half robot?", Katz asked.

"No. I'm more concerned with why I am wearing a purple and blue costume and have a bow and arrows like Jose!", Castor whined.

"Hey, look at me! I can fly! AND I got this nifty green suit and ring!", bragged Steven.

"Um...guys. Why is Jess wearing armor? And why does she have electricity coming out of her?", Kala asked, worried.

"What do you mean? I mean do see the armor, and I do feel what appears to be wings on my head, but I don't feel any elec... OMG there is electricity coming out of me! Am I floating? What is going on?", I asked, panicked. (Again, if you don't know who they are, here is a list)

Aphmau(Jess): Thor

Sly: Iron Man

Katz: Cyborg

Alex: Superman

Steven: Green Lantern

Kala: Wolverine

Pbat: Black Panther

Jose: Green Arrow

Castor: Hawkeye

I was soon answered by a hologram of a man wearing armor much like the kind I was wearing. He had medium length blonde hair and a matching beard. "I am Thor, previous owner of Mjolnir, the hammer you are now the new chosen owner of. Use it wisely to lead the new Few, and defend the world from those who wish to destroy it. If I am correct, and your name is Aphmau Jessica Odinson, then know that I am proud of you, my daughter. If not, then you must be some other worthy  person with a good heart. To the rest of you, use your newfound power wisely, as it can be a curse as well as a blessing. Now I must go, as should you. You do have to find your new rooms in the Hall." And with that, he was gone.

"Daughter...", I murmured. He couldn't be my father, could he? I mean I've been an orphan along with the rest of the guys as long as I can remember.

"Hey Jess, you ok?"

"Hmm, oh yeah. I'm fine Katz. Hey, he said something about new rooms. Let's go find them!", I giggled and, figuring I might as well practice, flew down the stairs.

       *End of Flashback*

After that day we had many great adventures, saving the world a multitude of times. We had fun while we did it too. I smiled. I had to leave though, it was for their safety.

"Lady Aphmau!"

My thoughts were interrupted by Garroth knocking on my door. No! They mustn't find out! I started to feel dizzy as I rushed about the room, trying to put everything away. I blacked out as Garroth burst through the door.

A/N Well I hope you guys enjoyed these 1,222 words. Sorry I just have so many ideas! I am not sorry that this is being left on a cliffhanger. As soon as I get 3 reads, I will post Chapter 2: The Few. For now, I will just say goodbye my little kits(that will be my goodbye)

P.S. The next chapter's title is your spoiler!

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