A/N It's Late But I'm Bored

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Heys guys! Owlfeather here! I know I said I would do something for 400+ but I was a little bit late since I am now at 500+ reads! Thank you all so much for reading my story! It really means a lot to know I have ideas that people actually enjoy reading about!

When I am older(in college), I want to start my own YouTube channel. That's still a while away but one thing that always worried me was that I was not creative or entertaining enough. I have actually never been that creative or open, but since I started watching YouTube(and met some of my BFFs) I have been a lot more extroverted. Even after that I still was nervous about starting a channel when I was old enough to be able to manage it with school, my flute(yes I play the flute, I am a nerd or geek(P.S. there is a difference)), and a social and family life. Since I started to write on WattPad about a week ago, I'm not so nervous anymore.

I just want to thank you guys so much for all of the reads! You guys are totally ROSSOME, JINMAZING, SKYTASTIC, and ares the reals dirts!:) 

I am probably rambling since it is like 2 in the morning so I'll stop this now.

Anyways, bye for now my little kits and stay #ROSSOME!

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