I've been tagged!

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Hey guys! Owlfeather here! Today I dound out I was tagged by PixthePowerFangirl to do the How Youtube Changed my Life Tag. Thanks Pix! (That was me being sarcastic) But really I do like sharing showing my appreciation towards the Youtubers I watch, so here we go!


The pun queen herself has shown me that if you use creativity, and a lot of mods, you can make Minecraft more than a game, you can create a story out of it. She has also shown me how to be punny. XD


Sky, along with 3 other youtubers, have taught me that it is ok to act like a 5 yr old at some moments. Another thing is that it is important to thank the people that helped you get where you are.


He is 1 of the 4 youtubers previously mentioned. He has also shown me that being intelligent does not mean you have to be proper, as shown in the Roommates series.


Another 1 of the 4. He is the biggest dirt in the world. Nothing else needs to be said other than Coach approves.


The final member of the 4. He is NOT a sloth. He is a narwhal. I don't know what I learned other than we are both ROSSOME people.


My first youtuber along with Stampy. He showed me having fun with your friends is what Minecraft is all about.


My first Minecraft cideo was actually an adventure map with him and Squid. He showed me that you don't need to rage every time something frustrates you.


The cheese head himself has taught that being a total troll in GTA V is perfectly exceptable, unless you are being trolled.


Weird games and prank calls along with a ROSSOME partner. Amazing. Good job Jess 2, or was it Megan?


The mod showcase masta! His wacky stories are just amazing! Him, Jemma, Pat, and Jen would make an OP team, hence why they are one!


Owner of one of da best skins ever! Him and Jen are just adorable together and can honestly fight anything that comes their way.


She always finds a way to fall in a hole. She has shown me that it is ok to be bad at some aspects of Minecraft, like parkour. She honestly deserves to win more often.

All of these people have led me through my darkest if moments and saddest of days, and I only started last year! I feel like I know them and strive to be like them when I am older with my own channel. I hope you enjoyed this guys, but for now, stay #ROSSOME #Aphmazing #Jintastic and don't forget the Skys the limit!
Bye for now my little kits!
BTW I am tagging @Meow_mhweggie_me, @Miennahnthor, @IsabellaJones496, @Shayla13peppermint, @Average Gir1, @Bluejayreader, and @Ninjaunicorn101. Have fun!

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