New Tag

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Hey guys! Owlfeather here! I just got out of an assembly where we discussed...drugs and alcohol.
We were shown a video where 4 best friends were celebrating their graduation day. They spent the whole day filming it and goofing around. That night they all went to a party and made one big mistake. They all got really drunk and then drove in a car. They then got into an accident and two of them died. They were dicussing their futures earlier in the day, but now they didn't have any.

The morale of the story, don't drnk and drive. We all have so much to live for, you don't want your llife to end too early.

In honor of this, I am starting the Chase your Dreams tag. It basically will be you tell what you dream of doing in the future, just so we all remember that we all want something in life, and that can only be acchieved if we are alive. This is probably going to be cheesy, but here we go.

I want to graduate at the top of my class, possibly being valedictorian. I then want to go to school to be a teacher and during that time start a Youtube channel. After I graduate I eventually either want to teach young people, or be a Youtuber. Eventually I want to settle down and getarried and have kids. I want to do this all with my BFFs and want to die knowing I made a difference in someone else's life. These are my goals.

I want to tag
To do this tag and spread the word. I want to thank you guys for supporting me and I want you guys to know it means the world to me that you all enjoy my book. Thank you.

Anyways, bye for now my little kits and stay #ROSSOME!

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