Chapter 2: The Few

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A/N Just wanted to thank you guys for so many reads :)

Aphmau's POV


I was tied to a chair in an abyss of blackness.There was a man with me, adorned on both green and gold clothing, his hair as black as the room around us, his eyes as green as an evergreen.He had golden horns protruding from a crown on his head and a golden scepter topped with something that resembles a bird's beak and a tiny, glowing, blue gem in the center.

"Who are you and where are we?" I demanded.

"My dear Aphmau, I am offended that you do not even remember your own kin. Very well, I am Loki, youngest son of Odin and brother to your father, Thor. As for where we are, we are in YOUR dream. I'm just here to help give you a glimpse at your dear old friends." he sneered.

"Wait! Wha..." I was stopped when a screen appeared, showing The Hall. Inside Steven and Castor were arguing while Sly stood there with his hands on his temples, as though he had a headache.

"You blew up my chicken farm!" Castor was screaming at Steven. Chicken farm? Since when did Castor care so much about chickens?

"Did not!" Steven denied.

"Guys! Look at yourselves! What would Jess say?" Sly interrupted, apparently having enough. They  all looked down, sadness and silence filling the room until Castor spoke.

"She would probably build some horrible chicken house as a replacement and then head back to her village with that idiot Laurence," he murmured. Sly, Steven, and I just looked at him in shock. HE'S the Chicken Shaman! Oh, when I get my hands on him... I was interrupted by both Sly and Steven.

"What did you just say?!" they asked in unison.

" mean...I sure miss Jess(yeah that's what I said)," he quickly tried to claim. Emphasis on the word TRIED.

"Castor..." Sly pried.

"Fine! You caught me! About a year ago, I was walking past Mjolnir when I heard it...talking. It was repeating the phrase "Aphmau is in Phoenix Drop" really quiet, so that I could barely hear. Then it stopped. Deciding to investigate, I went and borrowed Jess's Wonder Woman suit so I could fly there. As I arrived, I saw her. She was walking around, smiling as she talked to the many villagers. I soon learned that she had become lord of the village and that she was going to the city of Scaleswind on an important mission. I followed her. She soon found the need to find a "Chicken Shaman" in the small village of Meteli. I went ahead of her and, after a few weary glances, found out where he lived from the locals. As I arrived however, I discovered that the man had been murdered. Hearing Jess nearby and also wanting to help her, I stole his clothes and disguised myself as him. From  that point on, I go over there every once in a while, just hoping to see her again," he finished.

"Castor, why didn't you tell us?"

" I was afraid of how you would react, Sly. I'm SO very sorry..." he trailed off, a tear running down his cheek.

"It's alright. We understand, but now we must go get Jess back. The team  is falling apart without her." Sly concluded.

"NO! I think she made it very clear in her note that she was only leaving to keep us safe. Plus I think she might be mad at me for telling you guys." Castor argued, rather scared sounding.

"But Castor, we NEED her back. Plus, you owe us one for not telling us," Sly reasoned.

"Fine...but if she punches me I'm blaming you."

"Fair lead the way. We're getting our leader back..." Sly trailed off as the screen grew black.

"NO! They mustn't come!" I yelled.

"Oh, you are quite right deary. Without Sly there, what's to stop the rest of the team from arguing, leaving them virtually defenseless from an attack by oh...I don't know...ME?"  Loki laughed. "Well, I must be going now. Oh, and I hope you still have that scrapbook. After I'm through, it will be the only reminder you have left of them." he sneered as he too faded.

"NO! No,no,no ,no..."

        *End of Dream*

"Lady Aphmau! Are you alright!?"

"Huh...Garroth?" I sat up groggily."Yeah, I'm fine. It's just..."I remembered my dream."The Few!"

"Lady Aphmau, what are you talking about?"

"My friends! I need to go save them! I need to go...HOME!"

A/N Thanks for reading! At 100 reads I'll do a Q&A! Also, check out my sisters book "Charge". Her name is IsabellaJones496. It is Youtubers Hunger Games fanfic.

 Anyways, bye for now my little kits!

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