Chapter 7: An Old Friend?

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A/N Heys guys! Just a little warning: I have no idea what I am doing for this chapter. I will be COMPLETELY winging it. Hope you enjoy!

Aphmau's POV

I have to felt good to fly again. I missed the feeling of the wind in my face, my hair blowing behind me. But most of all, it felt good to be flying with my team behind me. I had always loved the rush of fighting off the bad guys, side by side, and saving the city from the evils of the world.

But then I remembered, I couldn't stay. I had a village to lead, a village at war to boot, and two kids to raise. I just had too much responsibility now to go rushing off to fight unfathomable dangers every time I was bored. I was needed. Maybe I could visit every once in a while, but I definitely could not say. 

I was suddenly brought back to reality by screams of help. I looked down to see we were now directly above Town Hall. I could just make out the forms of three people. As I went lower, however, I soon saw that one was none other than the mayor himself, being held hostage by a man wearing clown makeup and a women in black and gray outfit with black cat ears. The Joker and Catwoman? Why are they working together?

"Well, well, what do we have here? Has the mighty Lady Thor returned?" Joker sneered.

"Hello Steven, I still remember our first battle, don't you?" Catwoman purred.

"Why I oughta..."

"Steven! Not now! Don't you remember how I beat you?" Sly challenged.

"Yes, of course. But now I have an army by my side. In fact, you should know them APHMAU." She laughed as a group of Shadow Knights came up from behind her and the Joker.

"Be careful, guys. These people are no joke." Laurence warned.

"How tough can they be? I mean, look, they are only wearing armor and carrying swords!" Katz walked up to them. "Woah!" They had all transformed into their ultimate forms, and were all now gray with red eyes and red particles whirling around them.

"Hehehe...they can be quite tough. Now, let's get down to business. You come us, and we MAY not kill you." Joker proposed.

"Over my dead body!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I guess that can be arranged. The master probably wouldn't mind if you were dead. Less chance of you stopping him. Now...ATTACK!" Joker yelled. 

In an instant I was being pinned down. Irene help me  I'm out of practice! "Laurence! Now would be a good time to get ANGRY!"

"I can't! I'm just kinda scared and exhilarated and..."

"Imagine I just kissed another guy!" And with that he promptly started to literally RIP the Shadow Knights apart. After he got the one on me off, I grabbed my hammer and flew after the Joker and Catwoman. I easily knocked Catwoman off to the side, but as I got near the Joker, he started to laugh.

"You think you've won this fight? Ha! This was merely a distraction! Where's that super friend of yours? Alex, I believe his name was." I stood there in shock. "Retreat!" He quickly opened a premade portal to the nether. "See you again soon, Lady Thor!" He picked up Catwoman and walked througgh the portal, destroying it behind him. No, Alex! Katz called and told him to come to Town Hall!

"Jess, what's wrong?" Katz asked.

"Katz, what did Alex say when you called him?" I said, fighting off tears.

"Umm...yeah...about that. I couldn't reach, but I just thought he was in a cave or something. Why?"

"We have to go to his place. NOW!" I quickly flew off, not even looking to see if I was being followed.

Laurence's POV

After I thought of Garroth kissing Aph, everything became a blur. After what seemed like seconds, I woke up to see Garroth and Sly in front of me. We were all surrounded by the bodies of Shadow Knights. " head! What happened?"

"Sorry! I had to stop you! I hit you over the head with my shield! By the way, you looked AWESOME out there! You were all big and green and..." Garroth said.

"Green?" I asked.

"Yep! The Hulk is green. Now Jess started to fly to Alex's place, and she looked worried..." Sly trailed off. "We should follow her."

"Ok, let me just get up." I stood up.

"Is it ok if I carry  you there? It would be WAY faster to fly." Sly asked. I nodded. "Great, Castor, I see you found your wings. Katz, you carry Garroth and Steven, you get Kala and Jose."

"Why do I have to carry them both?" Steven whined.

"Because Jess flew off without us. Now let's go"

=Time skip brought to you by Olive Garden=

I am never, EVER, going to fly again. I was already turning green. Not from anger, but from being sick to my stomach. "Are we almost there?" I asked.

"Actually, we are here." Sly replied as a  mountain with thin strip of glass going around the outside came into view. 

"Look! Jess is just walking inside!" Steven yelled. As we neared I saw he was right.

"Jess! Stop!" Sly yelled. Aph stopped and waited for us at the...dirt door? Whatever. "You can't just leave us and make Steven carry TWO people!"

"The Joker asked about Alex and said that him and Catwoman were only a distraction."

"What?" Katz asked, shocked.

"Well let's go and see if he's ok!" Jose yelled, barging past Aph. We all ran in after him.

"What are you doing just barging into MY house?" Someone wearing a (Insert description here)  with black hair yelled. "Jess!"

"Alex! Your okay!" Aph ran up and gave him a hug.

"Okay, first of all, why wouldn't I be ok? I just got back from a mining trip."

"We were fighting the Joker and he said..."

"The Joker! That guy is a JOKE! Get it!" Everyone but me laughed. Something wasn't right...

"Yeah, but he had this group of people called Shadow Knights and they work for the Shadow Lord. Trust me, if the villains are starting to work with him, we're in trouble."

"Don't worry, we'll be fine!" His eyes started to glow.

"Aph, get away from him!" I yelled.

"Why? It's only Alex." Castor said. Suddenly Alex turned completely gray, his eyes glowing red.

"Only me? I thought you would know by now I am stronger than I look."

Aph looked in shock. "You're a Shadow Knight..."

A/N I'm still evil! It's just too much fun leaving on cliffhangers! Hahahaha! BTW, thanks for 1.2K+ reads! Also don't forget to read my other two books!

Anyways, bye for now my little kits, and stay #ROSSOME!

Ross: Yea...

Wrong book again!

Ross: I thought you said that was my cue!


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