Chapter 6: What You Deserved

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A/N Ok, first of all, I just checked my wattpad an hour ago and it was still at 1K reads on this book, which I thought was amazing. Then, I log on now and it's at 1.1K reads! Are you cereal?! Thank you guys so much!

Second of all, my Dare Aphmau and Friends book is out and if I get 5 more dares BEFORE midnight, I will post another one tonight, so check it out. Now on to the chapter!

Katz's POV

I was just caring for Little Tokyo when Kala came running up to me.

"Hey Kala! What's up?"

"You need to call Sly and Castor and get them back to the Hall IMMEDIATELY!"


"One, because they might be in danger. And two, there's a surprise back at the Hall!" I could tell this was important, and I also knew she would do it herself, but I was the one who created the special walkie talkies that allowed me to talk to The Few, and vise versa. The only thing is, I couldn't get them all to communicate to each other, so my walkie talkie could switch channels to talk to each member, but they could only talk to me.

"Fine, I'll do it!"

"Thanks, meet us back at the Hall when you're done!" And with that, she ran off.

I quickly got out the walkie talkie and switched to Sly's channel. "Sly?" It was a minute before I got an answer.

"Yeah, Katz?"

"Kala says you and Castor need to come back to the Hall at once! There could be a possible danger to you and Castor! Plus, she said there was some sort of surprise there."

"Uggh, fine! But only because there is a surprise! See you in a FEW!" He laughed and hung up. I laughed at the pun, only to be saddened. I looked at the walkie talkie. There was something blocking it from moving to channel 1. Jess's channel...I haven't seen her in five years. I wonder how she's doing. I don't know...I better go to the Hall.

I walked to the dimension door that led from Little Tokyo to the Hall. As I walked through, I heard a clap of thunder. wasn't supposed to rain today...unless... I ran around the corner and saw someone I thought I would never see again.


Sly's POV

Ugh...what is so important that we have to come back? We were going to get Jess!

As the Hall came into view, Castor and I saw a flash of lightning strike, and a clap of thunder.

"It can't be..."Castor trailed off.

We quickly flew(Castor has Jess's WW suit on, lol) through the doors. We then saw the preson we had been searching for.

(Both Castor and Sly)


Aphmau's POV

"Sly! Katz! Castor!" I ran and hugged them.

"Where have you been Jess? You missed a lot of improvement for Little Tokyo!" Katz asked.

"Well I have a new village to care for now, but I think Castor would LOVE to share his point of view of it!" I glared at him...and then punched him across the room. As he got up, I saw Garroth's and Laurence's jaws drop...again.  They are so easily amazed. "That's for lying to me!" I summoned lightning to hit him. "That's for telling Sly and Steven!" As he once again got up, I ran and tackled hugged him. "And this is for caring so much..."

"I deserve everything BUT the hug, Jess. And Sly..." Castor looked at Sly. " I told you she'd punch me!"

"Can someone PLEASE explain what in the nether is going on here?" Garroth yelled.

"Not right now. Everyone, this is Laurence and Garroth. They are my guards. Guys, this is Sly, Katz, you already know Castor, and...where's Alex?"

"I think he's at his base." Jose said.

"Katz, call him and tell him to meet us at Town Hall. There's an emergency there. Meet us there once your done. Everyone else, follow me. We have a city to save."

??? POV

"Hehehe...looks like Lord Aphmau managed to get there in time."


"Well...almost in time any way." I laughed as I looked at the dark haired man in a blue suit with glowing green handcuffs restraining him. "Don't worry...I'll release you as soon as the Shadow Lord is done with you. Sasha! Gene! Take him to the master! Take Loki..."

A/N I am so evil right now! Muahahaha! IDK! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Oh, and a shoutout to my sister, IsabellaJones496! If you do not post your story more often, EVERY chapter will end like this AND this book will be an every other day book! 

Anyways, bye for now my little kits and stay #ROSSOME!

Ross: Yea!

Wrong book Ross!

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