Chapter 4: Old Friends

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Aphmau's(Jess's) POV

I told them. I told them my superhero past. I couldn't BEAR to tell them the rest...not yet anyway. (If you get this joke, have a cookie) 

"Wow, Aph, your're past is kinda, oh, I don't know...AWESOME!" I laughed at Laurence's enthusiasm.

"Lady Aphmau, I never knew...I guess you always could take care of yourself, huh?" Garroth asked.

"Yeah, I told you s..."

"Jess!" I was thrown into a hug by two guys in green.

"Jose! Steven! You nearly gave me a heart attack! But it is good to see you guys." I hugged them back.

"Hehe...good to see you, Jess! We missed you SO much!" Jose said.

"Yeah! It's been like five YEARS!" Steven pouted.

"Sorry guys, I left thinking I was protecting you by leaving...I was wrong. I think you guys are inn more danger now than before...speaking of which...where are Sly and Castor?"

"Oh, they just left...why?" Kala asked.

"I'll explain as soon as you go get Katz to call them back here, K Kala?"

"Alright, I'll go right away, oh, and's good to see you again."

"You too, Kala."

"Where'd you go, Jess?"

"Oh, right! Well after I left, I stumbled upon a village called Phoenix Drop, and, seeing as they needed help, I fixed the place up. Pretty soon I became Lord. I now have two adopted sons, Levin and Malachi, five dogs, and these two knuckleheads who follow me everywhere are my guards, Laurence and Garroth. Guys, this is Jose and Steven, or the Green Arrow and Green Lantern."

"Nice to see Jess is well protected. Nice to meet you guys!" Jose extended his hand to Laurence.

"Neither of you dated Aph, right?"

"Laurence! I'm sorry, but..."

"Yeah, or did she have a boyfriend here?" Garroth asked.

"Not you too! Guys! I had no boyfriend here! Got it! I'm sorry guys. They get jealous when I talk to other boys, so, yeah...this is what I have to deal with now."

"It's ok Jess, we understand!" Steven smiled. "There was that one time, though, where you and Sky got..."

"Steven! Ughh! I swear I'm surrounded by five year olds!" Just then an alarm sounded.

"Trouble at City Hall! You interested in leading this one, Jess? For old times sake?" Jose asked.

"I'd love to! Let me just get these guys some super suits!"

"Umm...but Aph, we already have aor swords and armor." Laurence looked confused,

"That won't cut it here, guys. Come on! We all have some spare suits that you two can use." They nodded. "Let's suit up!"

A/N Sorry this is so late! I had some writers block, but Garroth and Laurence are becoming superheroes! Comment who you think they should be! (Terms: Cannot be one of The Few's members' heroes. The Few must have it in the actual series.)(P.S. The last parentheses was a reference to Would You Rather? on Sky's channel) Don't forget to check out my other book!

Anyways, bye for now my little kits and stay #ROSSOME!

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