Chapter 5: Suiting Up

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Laurence's POV

Aphmau brought to this little village outside of the hall. I forget what she called it, but it was weird. There was a chicken resturant, This can't be the same Castor, he would never allow this... a coffee shop filled with chickens, Ok, maybe it is him... and at the end of the trail... a palace made of solid gold. My jaw dropped down to the floor. I'm pretty sure Garroth's did too, because he didn't say anything either. Aphmau just giggled.

"Welcome to Asgard, my home! You guys have no idea how long it took me to build this!" She bragged, still smiling.

(This is said simultaneously)

"You live here!" I yelled.

"You built this!" Garroth yelled.

(Ok it's over)

"Yes and yes! Now come on! The outfits I want are at Sly's and I have to  go get them!" She led us to an underground vault. "Now  let's use...Hawk Girl!" She quickly went into another room and changed into a golden outfit with a golden, winged mask. She then FLEW into the air and said "Be right back!" 

I utter shock, me and Garroth stood there for the minute she was gone. She quickly injects something into my arm. "Oww! What was that for?" I felt a dull throb in my head.

"Laurence! Calm down! It was just a little gamma radiation! Oh, by the way. Congratulations! You are now the Hulk! If you get mad, you will become big, strong," She murmured the last part so I couldn't hear.

"I'm sorry, but what?" I was now kinda worried, though I guess it will kinda be like being a Shadow Knight. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Garroth's POV (Yay! 2 POVs!)

After she injected Laurence with dang RADIATION, I was worried.

"Oh, Garroth, don't look so scared! Just put this on!" She handed me a red and green outfit with a yellow R on it. I went into another room and put it on. As I walked out, Laurence took one look at me and did what every best friend does when their friend does something embarrassing...he burst out laughing.

" does it fit?"She was struggling to hold in her laughter.

"It doesn't! It was made for someone about ten sizes smaller than me!"

"Well...ahem...good thing I brought you a spare." She handed me another costume...and followed Laurence's lead and laughed her butt off. I blushed and went and changed.  It was a blue outfit, with accents of red and white on it and little white wings on the sides of the head. I immediately felt stronger and more energized.

"Hey Lady Aphmau, who am supposed to be?" Her and Laurence looked in amazement.

"Oh come on! I get a shot and he gets an awesome outfit!" Laurence complained. Aph laughed.

"Don't worry, Laurence. Just you wait until you get mad! Just PLEASE don't do it in here! Anyways, you, Garroth, are Captain America! You are basically super human, you know, the typical stronger and faster. Oh! I almost forgot to give you this!" She hands me a red, white, and blue shield with a white star in the center. "It will never break, no matter what."

"AND he gets an unbreakable shield! No fair!" Laurence started to turn a light shade of green.

"Laurence! Calm down! And kindly shut up! You can never die for Irene's sake!" Aph yelled.

"Say what?" Laurence turned back to normal.

"The Hulk is invincible, ok?"

"I guess that's kinda cool..."Laurence admitted.

"Now I  have to go grab my hammer. Come on!" We followed her back to the Hall.

"Hey Jess! Ready to go?" That guy Steven asked.

"Almost, let me just grab my ham..."

"Allow me to grab it for you." Laurence went up to the hammer, grabbed the handle, pulled with all his strength, and...fell on his butt. "What the..." We all laughed at him.

"Let me try." I walked up, pulled with all my newfound strength, and...did the exact same thing.

"Let me show you how it's done, guys." Aph walked up, There's no way she can lift that thing... grabbed the handle, not if Laurence and I couldn't with superpowers. and she barely pulled, and... she lifted it into the sky like it weighed absolutely nothing. Lightning struck her. I am pretty sure Laurence and I screamed. As the light died down, it revealed Aph, without even a scratch on her, in full grey armor with a red cape and white wings on her head. All Laurence and I could do was stare with our jaws on the floor for the second time that day.

Jose walked up and put his hands on our shoulders and laughed. "Looks like Lady Thor, daughter of Thor, the Goddess of Thunder, is back!"

A/N Sorry this is so late guys! I've been busy the past few days and haven't gotten to be on my laptop for a while! I would just like to say thank you to all of you for the 700+ reads and at 1,000+ I will start a Dare Aphmau and Friends book, which will include everyone from her roleplays AND all of her real life friends. Also, check out my other book "No Ordinary Game". It is a Youtuber Hunger Games book.

Anyways, bye for now my little kits and stay #ROSSOME!

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