Chapter Eight: Curiosity

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If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.

- Peace Pilgrim

Alec' nose was bleeding heavily, which seemed to be his downfall, because when Max kicked him in the side the blood flew into his eyes and he flew right off the platform. Max was left standing there laughing her head off.

The rest of the fights didn't last as long though, nor were they as interesting, the unfortunate part was, Angelo, Alec and Jackson were back at the top of the suspects list. They were the only ones with enough determination, capability and ability to pull off all the murders. What was I missing? It had to be something obvious. Lucida had pulled out of her fight because Max had pulled out the name Jackson Grad.

However, this wasn't what was playing on my mind for the rest of the day. Through the night and into the morning, it was my power. I had no idea what it was capable of. What I was capable of.

I went down to eat breakfast with Max and Lucida – something I didn't often do.

"I can't believe how badly I beat him! It was so cool!" Max was laughing,

"No one likes a sore winner." I mumbled sitting down,

"No one likes anyone these days. Get with the program woman! I hate that idiot and I'm happy I beat him!"

"Why do you hate him?" Lucida asked her,

"He's breathing and that's a crime!" Not even I could help laughing, sometimes Maxine's hate towards the male species was just too funny.

"So, Eva, who were at the top of your list for suspects?" I looked at them, almost sympathetic,

"Alec, Angelo and Jackson."

"Really? Anyone else?" I shook my head, "Guess that means we're keeping a closer eye on them."

"Eva?" A male voice, the Chairman. I turned around and saw him standing there, "Interesting show yesterday, do you mind if I ask you to clean the boys' cafeteria on Thursday?" I nodded as he was already leaving,

"Why do you do as the Chairman asks? It makes you look like such a push-over." Lucida moaned. Didn't they already know?

"He's my foster father."

"What?!" Okay, apparently they didn't know.

"He..... Is..... My..... Foster..... Father." I replied word by word,

"And you were planning on telling us when?!" Max insisted,

"I thought you already knew." I sighed finishing my breakfast.

"First of all:, We hardly know anything about you. Second: The Chairman is your foster father? What the heck?!"

"He's the foster father to a lot of kids here."

"But we didn't think you were one of them!" Lucida grumbled,

"I'll meet you in the library." I stood up throwing the tray into the bin, Vivian was staring at me. Something I was missing...why did my mind suddenly believe Vivian was the killer?

We sat through classes and tried to make it into a normal day. I think the teachers believe that my tournament was to get the students minds off of the students that had recently passed. Come to think of it, there hasn't been a killing for a few days now, which means someone will be at risk really soon. Who it would be? I had no clue. It could possibly be one of the names I had already listed, but chances of that were slim.

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