Chapter Thirteen: the Past Events - in the view of Lucida

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When Lucida and Jackson went to detention, they pushed themselves into another mess.

Jackson and I were led to the detention room where Ms. Carle brought us. She waited there until Mrs. Milliard came in – at least she was nice.

"Alright, you two grab a book and start studying. I need to access a few papers." She told us. The detention room was so modern it looked old. Everything had a grey and white touch to it. Teachers books, tables that made you face away from people, a big desk in front of a smart board where the teacher sat. Yep. The room itself spells out the word 'detention'. We sat there reading for 20 minutes when Mr. Gusberg came in and told Mrs. Milliard she had to attend a staff meeting, it would last for a short amount of time and she would be back in the last 10 minutes of detention. Jackson and I were the only ones there. I guess students have been so scared that don't even want to get into dentention.

"Do you think they found anything?" Jackson asked when she left,

"I have no idea." I leant back pushing the chair with me, since he was on the other table facing away from me. He pushed his chair out so we were facing each other,

"Do you do this often? Get detention so they get the glory?"

"No. I haven't been to detention since last year."

"Really? What were you in detention for?"

"One of Max's brilliant ideas to use our powers."

"What did you do?"

"I made a large soggy meat pie invisible and then she used her powers to move it to where someone was walking." I laughed,

"Yikes. How'd that turn out?" He ended up laughing with me,

"Well, of course, since she was the head cheerleader, she told the first teacher she saw and both Max and I were sent to detention."

"What about Eva?"

"She wasn't there."

"Where was she?"

"No idea."

"She's one of your good friends but you never know where she is?"

"She has a lot of secrets. We don't usually ask about them – we figure she'll talk when she wants to. I need to find her a boyfriend." We both laughed hysterically.

"It's strange isn't it?" he asked,

"What is?"

"Thinking you know someone when you truly don't know anything about them."

"Yeah. It is strange."

"Just as an example, the moment I saw your friend Max, is it? I knew that she'd be the one to bitch at Alec. Never expected he'd end up liking her."

"Excuse me?" Didn't see that coming at all.

"He's good at hiding things – but I've known him for quite a while. I can see he has a certain 'fondness' for Max."

"Did you ever try to confirm it?"

"I did ask him once, he said there was no one on earth he could hate more. That's how I knew."

"How does that tell you that he likes her?"

"If he hates someone, he'll use the phrase 'should never have been born'. He never said that. If I know him, he's probably going to show her his six-pack the first moment he gets." We laughed out that time.

"What about Angelo?"

"He tends to be fond of a lot of people. Mostly your friend Eva."

"Eva? His funeral. She won't go out with anyone. She said, and I quote, 'I won't date until I have steady job working in some far away place where men don't even exist'."

"So in other words, never."

"Yep." I paused, there was one thing I wanted to ask him, I was wondering if he'd answer, "What about you?" I was staring right into his eyes and he was looking into mine.

"Yeah. I'm fond of someone." At least that was a decent response.

"Who?" It could have been one second, it could have been one hour that he was starring at me, but eventually he moved closer. His nose touched mine, I went the rest of the way. His lips were warm. This was the one reason my parents agreed to send me here – because I couldn't get involved with any boys.

Mrs Milliard didn't come back for another hour – a little bit more than the amount of time we had kissing, and then she told us to leave.

We went back to the library, I was in such a happy mood. I felt like I was on cloud nine, nothing could break me now – or so I thought.

I was shocked at what Max told me was going on. We had to meet Eva upstairs in the Chairman's office – why?

"Did you see anything on the CD's?" I quickly asked,

"Nothing, unless you count the fact that they were killed the same way Eva's parents were." Max replied,

"Eva's parents were killed?"

"Looks like there isn't much that you know after all." Jackson sighed, we walked up the stairs, and Eva was standing outside the office talking to the Chairman.


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