Chapter Four: Assistance

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The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.

- Alice Walker

I walked up to the Chairman's office, expecting him to be working on something school related, but when I walked up to the door I heard laughing on the other side. So I knocked and I was told to go in. What I saw shocked me a fair bit. It was Angelo, laughing with the Chairman, not to mention the low life had my computer!

"Oh, Eva, you left your computer behind." At least he knew it was mine. He handed it to me and I took it under my shoulder,

"Have you two met?" my 'father' asked. I guess I have to start trying to call him that, won't be easy, but I will try since he has asked on many occasions.

"Yeah. When she was cleaning the Lunchroom we crossed paths."

"Oh, good. Well then, did you two know that you're both my foster children? It almost makes you two brother and sister – sort of." He laughed. That hit a nerve, forget 'father' I'm sticking to Chairman.

"I don't have a brother." I said as I looked at Angelo, "And above all things I do not have a father." I couldn't handle my own words, so I ended up slamming the door behind me and heading straight back to my room and fell onto my bed. Everything hurt even though I didn't do anything to harm myself. I needed to let out my anger. It hurt to talk but it doesn't hurt to punch a few walls. I went down to the gym, since classes weren't in session for today, the gym was empty – that was the best part.

The punching bags were set up for the year 9's, but since they weren't there, I was in luck. I didn't bother taping my hands, they never hurt when I punch, and therefore I never saw the point. I hit, punched and beat the punching bag until my arms were tired, and yet I still wanted to hit it more. Everything was just over flowing with rage, I needed to hit something other than a bag of sand. I needed to hit a person. I guess now would be a good time to take some medication.

It was almost midnight when I began returning to my dormitory – that's when I heard the scream. I ran to where it came from, only to see Patience Price, stomach down, head turned, stabbed and bleeding everywhere – an instant flashback of my mother. Others arrived coming out of their rooms, no one knew what to think. Then Vivian shouted something I wasn't entirely sure would help me make friends, "Eva's got blood on her hands!" Oh shit. Even though I didn't feel it, doesn't mean it wasn't bleeding.

"That's because she was down in the gym!" Lucida came in through the crowd shouting. It was odd being the only one in everyday clothes when everyone else was in pyjamas.

"How would you know? I saw you go to your room!" Vivian queried.

"After checking in on Eva!" replied Lucida.

"Who says she didn't do this on the way to her dormitory?" Was the quick reply from Vivian.

"First of all: Her dormitory is one the left side from here, this is the right side! Second: Why would she do that? She's trying to find the killer for god's sake!" I was barely listening, I was trying to remember a name – Duke Malaris.

"Duke." I whispered to myself,


"If Duke Malaris is dead, then suspicions are confirmed. He's after secret couples." The Chairman came out of no where then.

"Oh dear. Everyone back to their rooms immediately and do not came out until a bell has been sounded. Go." Everyone dispersed and almost ran back to their rooms. The only thing I heard til the next morning was quiet sobbing.

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