Chapter Twenty: A Hospital is No Place to be Sick

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Cause inside I realize, That I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for, Or why I have to scream
I don
't know why I instigate, And say what I don't mean
I don
't know how I got this way, I know it's not alright
So I
'm Breaking the habit, Tonight

- Linkin Park 'Breaking the Habit'

What was I supposed to do now? Everyone was as still as statues and they're too heavy for me to move. There was only one thing to do. Put myself in Max's place. I had to. You don't have to be 'in love' with someone to love them - and I'd never forgive myself if anything were to happen to Max and I could've done something about it. It would be the same with Lucida. They're my friends - they are the only ones I've had since the tragic night of my parents' death. I walked in front of her - I was going to die. This would be it. I would never see the light of day again. I got to have a quick look at my watch, 11:52pm. I only had a short amount of time - but was my watch even working with my power in effect? I stood there in front of Maxine - waiting. This was the first time that I felt a tear drop down my face. That's what those pills had been doing to me - I understood now. If people don't dream, they don't work through their issues and they become very emotional and at times, enraged. That's what the other pills were for.

I deserved to die. The Chairman had confirmed my worst fears, I killed my parents. I needed to start time up, without looking. I pulled the knife from my back pocket. I would throw it at the Chairman without looking. I closed my eyes - I wanted it to be over, quickly.

I moved my hand, I heard the wind ring against the blade. I heard a scream, Lucida? I felt pain, in my spine. I saw blood, everywhere. I knew what happened. Time had started over again and the Chairman attacked me instead of Max with the power I feared the most - my own fathers. I fell to the ground and Lucida screamed as the Chairman jumped back - my eyes had opened and the pain was increasing. I wasn't dead yet - but I could barely breathe at all. I saw the blade had hit the Chairman in the left side, I couldn't tell where. I couldn't blink. I heard an angry cry and saw Max charge at the Chairman - I had a pretty good view for a person nearly dead. This was the first time I've ever seen Max get angry enough to attack someone physically - aside from the fight tournament of course. She tried to punch him - but he was too fast. Angelo and Alec both tried to help but using Angelo's power - they were no match for him. We were all going to die. Everyone in this entire school was going to die and it was my entire fault. I wanted to out him to the whole school and now he was going to kill all of them too. How stupid could I be? My body went numb, I couldn't feel anything. I saw Max wave her hand, she was able to lift a whole person up for the first time ever. The Chairman was up in the air - I wasn't sure how long he was up there, but it couldn't have been very long. Alec pointed at him and most of his body began clunking up in ice. He was caught. They won. In such simple movements, they won! Everyone was going to live.

Everyone except me.

"Eva!" Max shouted coming back to me. My body was turned to its back and I felt that. I wanted to scream out in pain, but I couldn't. "Eva. Talk to us, please!"

"Come on, say something! Do something, anything!" Lucida yelled, shaking me a little. I couldn't respond - everything in me, gone. Was this what it was like to be dead? You can still see as long as your eyes are open? That would suck if I was laid in a coffin like this.

"She still has a pulse!" Jackson sighed, I then realised he was holding my wrist. I still had a pulse - so I was still alive! But what chance did I still have? I knew that I had to still be bleeding - the hole in my chest was too big to have stopped so quickly. I heard sirens. Luke was here.

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