Chapter Sixteen: Secrets - in the view of Eva

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Being vulnerable doesn't have to be threatening. Just have the courage to be sincere, open and honest. This opens the door to deeper communication all around. It creates self-empowerment and the kind of connections with others we all want in life. Speaking from the heart frees us from the secrets that burden us. These secrets are what make us sick or fearful. Speaking truth helps you get clarity on your real heart directives.

- Sara Paddison

This felt odd. This has never happened to me before. Angelo kissed me, still was kissing me. Warm lips, smooth. This was different, but I really enjoyed it. Eight seconds later he moved away,

"You need to. You're the only one that knows what they're doing." He said,

"Maxine and Lucida can do it, need to do it." I corrected myself,


"I know what they feel - somehow. They're thinking that I'm doing all the work - they need to do it too. This is their chance to chart their destiny."

"Well that just sucks, because they don't know what they're doing. They're confused, we all are."

"They don't? I told them who the Night Hunter is - did they even find the computer? I hid it in a perfectly obvious place."

"They found it - along with other things," I made a face, everything I had was for self defence and training. "Please?" I didn't answer, "Please?"

"Okay, okay! Fine. I'll intercom the Chairman and tell him I've thought of something else."

"Great. Now...I wonder if I can get out..."

"Hang on, can't you only teleport in the same space?"

"I know. It was quite amazing actually - just wondering if I can do it again." He stood up and walked to the wall, "I'll see you out there in 10 minutes, right?" I nodded and he disappeared. Good for him. I went to the intercom near the door and pressed the button,

"Chairman, I think my theory was wrong. I need to get out - I don't know if any students are dead yet, but I need to get out of here."

"I'll be right down." His voice replied after a few moments.

He let me out and I ran down to the library, it's the only place I thought they'd be.

"Eva?!" Lucida and Max shouted when I came in,

"What are you doing here?" Max asked,

"A little bird came and told me my help is needed outside the White room. With thirteen dead students - anyone has the right to be concerned."

"And you seem talkative, too."

"Zip it. We're going to show everyone who the Night Hunter is. Without him knowing."

"How do we do that?" Lucida wondered,

"I have one idea." I answered, walking back upstairs to my dormitory. I heard everyone's footsteps behind me, they followed me into the room. I took my phone off my desk and dialled the first number, it rang 3 times before someone picked up,


"Luke, good to know you still work at the office,"


"Yeah. I need some assistance."

Like last time?

"What else would I be asking?"

What do you need?

"I need to you to get here - with back-up, midnight, tomorrow."


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