Chapter Nineteen: My Plan, Your Plan, Our Plan

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Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it.

Life is bliss, taste it. Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it.

Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it.

Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it.

Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it.

Life is too precious, do not destroy it. Life is life, fight for it.

- Mother Teresa

9:45pm. Everyone in their rooms, all except for six sneaky students. The boys were waiting in the courtyard. Lucida, Max and I were inside the tech room. The keys were left inside the lock. Nice guy. Max and I grabbed all the cameras we could carry,

"Okay, just as I said," I reminded Lucida, who sat down at the computer, she nodded as we ran out the room in a hurry.

We handed a few cameras to the boys, we set them up all around the courtyard. This wasn't just going to be a huge blow-out. This was going to be fun. My phone vibrated,

"Hello?" I whispered,

Hey, it's Luke. Tonight, midnight, right? He checked,

"Yep. Make sure you do get here – it's important."

I know. Bye. He hung up before I got a chance to say goodbye myself. Everything was going well. The cameras were all in place and working by 10:58pm. We all went back to Lucida,

"Everything working?" I asked coming into the room.

"Yep. All the cameras are working and I have the connection to all the student televisions. Just say the word and they are on." She smiled.

"Okay, but how do we get the Chairman out there?" Alec asked,

"Are you really that dumb?" Max questioned,

"I'm the bait." I said.

"Bait?" he seemed confused and Angelo looked worried – something tells me they weren't onto that part of the plan.

"I'm going to lead the Chairman outside into the courtyard. He's meant to be in his office all night, so it will be easy enough. I'll just say I'd like to have a 'heart-to-heart' chat with my...foster father."

"That just sounds weird. You're the daughter of a killer." Jackson mumbled.

"Everyone's probably got a psycho in the family." Alec sighed, I had a feeling he was hiding something too, did he have a psycho in his family that he neglected to talk about?

"Yeah, your's would be you!" Max exclaimed, not catching onto his grief.

This was it. 11:39. I walked up the stairs, they seemed higher than usual. I knew what I was doing. I knew what I was doing. I knew what I was doing. Who was I kidding, I didn't have a clue what I was doing.

I didn't even notice I was at his door. Knock – I told myself. My hand went up, what was I doing? Was I really doing the right thing? There are people here who depend on no one but the Chairman. What would this do to them? No. I had to think about all the students that have died because of him. Feel the anger. Bianca, Tristan – all those students, give me the power to do what is right. I knocked,

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