Chapter Eighteen: The Beginning of the Day

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When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

This was it. The boys were to meet us in 15 minutes down at the library so we could start putting everything together. It was a good thing the Chairman hasn't had time to change the timetables yet. For some reason, it was only this morning I was wondering why I never saw people in the library very often – wasn't there anyone who liked reading or preferred books over internet for assignments?

"Alright – let's get this show on the road!" Alec burst into the library very happy today,

"Quiet! It's still a library!" Lucida scolded him.

"So what? No ones in here."

"You've been really hyper this morning." Jackson yawned,

"Really? Haven't noticed."

"Probably because of an e-mail you received that you won't tell me about."

"It doesn't have to do with that."

"Just tell me, man. Are you leaving Winters Academy or not? That's the only thing I could think you'd be happy about."

"I'm not leaving – not til the end of the year like the rest of us."

"Guys, please, we need to get started." Lucida interrupted, "Eva, what's first?"

"First?" I repeated, "We need camera's and access to the school TV's and intranet."

"Why?" Jackson questioned,

"Because, if we want to 'expose' him we need to do it the right way, to the whole school."

"But the guy that watches the technology equipment – he never budges from his seat. That's why he's the fat low-life." Alec told me,

"Well, I had a thought about that too." I looked over to Max,

"What?" She replied, completely innocent to my idea.

"Get up." I said to her,

"Why?" she asked cautiously as possible while standing,

"Time to work your magic!" I smiled as I pushed her out of the library, everyone else stayed.

We were just outside the door of the main control room and peeked in through a crack – whoever this student was – he was here way too often. He was a bit on the chubby side, glasses, and most likely what all the other guys would call a geek. I made Max face me,

"We need to have access to all this equipment from 10pm til after midnight." I reminded her,

"Okay, but I still don't get-"

"Just use your God given talent." I smiled, unbuttoning her top a little,

"I really don't want to do this." She sighed as she walked in – well, I kind of pushed her in. The door was still slightly open, and I could hear perfectly.

"Ah, e-excuse me. You're not allowed to be here." He mumbled, trying to hide his packet of chips.

"Maybe I'm not. But I've always been a pretty bad girl." She replied sitting on the desk in front of him. It was hard not to laugh at that – what was it she wanted to be after finishing school again?

"C-can I ask why y-you're here?"

"I just came to ask a wiltle-idi-bidi favour." She was circling her finger on her knee,

"And w-what favour is that?" He shifted in his seat – what a pig, thinking such dirty thoughts.

"Can I use this room? Just for tonight. No one will even know I was here. Promise."

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