C h a p t e r 6 : Right here, Right now

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If only she would know she was going to meet him again, she would do everything for it to not be right here right now.
Her pale skin looked now more white then green; thanks to the surgery she was given. Her hair was still light, but curlier like it's used to be.
Her tired eyes, showing exactly how many night's she couldn't fall asleep, were wide open as is she saw a ghost.
Suddenly she felt two warm hands cupping her cheeks.
She cut her thoughts and looked at the male who were standing in front of her when his hands holding her face.
His look was so soft, she never saw him like this.
His warm hands had his sweetest odor.
"Welcome back" He said before pulling her into a hug, his thin but strong arms squeezing her back gently.
As much as she didn't want him to see her crying, she couldn't hold herself anymore, and hugged back, crying into his shoulder.
"~Ne ne, Mia chan, it's fine. I missed you too" He said with his playful voice, rubbing her back. He pull back to look at her.
"I-I so-" – "I know, you don't need to talk, it's fine. I know everything" He said and smiled. She smiled a little bit too.
She touched his black hair. He looked so... different.
"What do you think about it? Tell me Tell me!" he said like a little excited child.
She nodded, smiling. "It's really suit you, I like it" She whispered, her voice is quite. He smiled even more, and closed his eyes.
"I thought you were dead, so I didn't look up for you, Mia chan ~ how did you survive? I wanna know EVERYTHING!!"

She forgot how that feeling felt. She forgot how it feels to feel that calm and happy. He was everything she needed.
"I-I'm so sorry" Said Mia, her hands squeezed together on the table.
"For what?" Asked Juuzou while his mouth full of the sweet cream which was near the ice cream he ordered. "For shinohara san... it must have been hard for you..." She said, her eyes looking down. "Ah! You don't need to be sorry; it's not your fault after all!" He said and swallowed the cream. "I have to be a good boy and work hard for his sake!" He said with a smile.
No wonder he changed so much – Mia thought. He lost one of his closest people, no wonder he grew up so much. He still has the Playful and childish attitude, but he looks much more clam and... normal.
He even looked pretty hot.
"Your face is so red~ Why is that?" he asked, swinging his head to the side.
"N-Nothing" said Mia, trying to cover the embarrassment in her eyes.
He smirked. 'When did he learn to smirk! He looks even hotter like that' she thought, turning even redder.
"So~" He said, trying to change the stressed atmosphere which surrounded Mia, "When you will be done with the exams, will you be working with Haise san?" He asked.
"Yes... I hope so" Mia said, putting her chin on her fist.
She looked out the window. Her hair was behind her ear, and her lips look so tasty...
"J-Juuzou!" Mia yelped to his next action. He pressed his lips onto hers quickly.
"Mmm, sweet as always~" He sung aloud.
She blushed now even more.
"Oh right, I wanted to ask you something" He remembered.
"Do you have a place to sleep? You know, Like... what was that word... oh right! Home! Do you have something like this?" He asked, like nothing just happened.
"W-well I do have a little apartment not too far from here" She said, playing with her fingers. "I think you should live with me, like we always did" He smiled.
"Hmm? What wrong?" He asked because she was shocked.
"You... don't hate me?" She asked.
"Why would I?" He asked, putting his spoon into his mouth.
"I'm like a ghoul, I always thought you hated them" She said.
"Hahaha~ Mia chan is so funny! Even if you were a curl & bad ghoul, there is no such a thing to hate Mia chan... I would just have to fix you!" He said.
Something in his words made her feel these feelings.
"Mhmmm? Why are you crying again?" Asked Juuzou, looking at Mia's face.
"I'm fine, really! I would love to move to your place... Where is it?" She asked wiping the tears away.

"I'm really happy you and Juuzou are together again. I have never seen him this happy before" Said Haise, looking through the big plastic window which separated the two rooms. In each room were sitting Juuzou and his group and Haise with his group.
"Okay, I know you didn't pass the exams yet, but I want you to be with us in this meeting" Said Haise.
After mere minutes, 4 so called the Quinx Squad walked in.
"Mia chan? What are you doing here?" Asked Saiko.
"Saiko? I didn't know you were a qunix... I thought you were a ghoul" Said Mia.
"I know... everybody always confuses... how annoying!" Said Saiko and clasped her hands together.
After everybody was introduced, Mia peek to the other half of the room, to see Juuzou sitting on his chair, his legs resting on the table, and his head looking up while his lips moving along with his thoughts.
'I wonder what he is thinking about...' Mia thought, hypnotized by the angelic creature who was sitting only 2 meters away.
"Mmhmm Mia is such a pervert~" Said Saiko with a playful voice. Mia's cheeks turn red within two seconds. "I'm not!"
"But look how red you are!" She giggled and teased Mia.
"Enough, Mia you should concentrate. It will help you learn more" Said Haise and Mia nodded lightly.

Finally the meeting was over, and the two were heading back home.
It was the first night Mia will spend with Juuzou, well not the first, but it has been a while since it happened last.
Even if it's not sleeping in the same bed, sleeping in the same apartment is good as well.
"Mia chan, are you hungry? You haven't eaten anything all day" Said Juuzou, putting his keys into the door hole.
"Not too much, Haise and I went to a coffee in the afternoon, so I'm good" She smiled. "If you say so~" He sung and opened the door.

The apartment was nothing like Mia could imagine.
A clean wood covered the floor, while beautiful seashell color covered the walls. He had a big TV, and two green sofas. In the middle was a black coffee table. He even had books and a computer. The room had big wall windows, which had the best view in the 20's ward. Long and delicate curtain in gentle white shade were blocking half of the view.

Mia would never imagine Juuzou live in an apartment like this all alone, and actually keeping it pretty clean.
"What do you think?" Ask Juuzou, knowing the answer.
"Amazing" Was the only thing she could say.
"It was such a long day!" He shouted aloud as he fell down on the sofa in a Dramatic way.
"Long day? We didn't do anything" Said Mia, walking around, still exploring the room.
"That's the point! Fuf~ I wish I could use Jason more" He said sadly.
She looked over the clean shelves; there were pictures of his old colleague and Mia. She took this picture in her hands, remembering that day.
It was when Juuzou, Mia and shinohara san visited the new coffee shop for the first time.
"What a good days..." Juuzou sigh, warping his hands around Mia.
"Yes..." she agreed and put the picture back in its place.
"Let's go! I will show you my room!" Said Juuzou happily and dragged Mia along to another room.
The room had a king size bed, in a black color, with a desk. The desk had drawers and a lamp on it. In front of the table was another window.
"Wow" Said Mia. He even had a bathroom in his room.

"I'm sure Shinohara san would be very proud of you , Juuzou" Said Mia and turn to him. Immediately she turn back and covered her face. "WHY ARE YOU CHANGING YOUR CLOTHES IN FRONT OF ME!" She yelled and threw a pillow in his way.
"Mhmmm? Mia chan acting really strange" He said, not paying attention to the pillow which was on the floor now.
"PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON!" She screamed.
"But I'm in my clothes, silly" He said and laugh.
"Okay okay, if I put on a shirt would you stop yelling?" He asked and she nodded. "Here, happy~?" He teased her.
She turn around to meet his laughing face. As much as she felt embarrassed, she couldn't be angry at him for doing those things deliberately, if he was happy; she was okay with it.
"Do you want to get a shower? After that you can put your clothes into this drawer, I free it so it could be yours" He said.
"Sure, thanks" She smiled to him. He walked out of the room, more likely danced, and got himself something sweet to eat.
"Man how embarrassing" She thought aloud, taking off her clothes.
She jumped into the water and took a quick shower.
When she was out, she met her reflection in the mirror.
"How ugly" She whispered, touching her scars. If only they could disappear.

"MIA CHAN!!! I HAVE GOOD NEWS!!!" The door suddenly opened wide.
Right now Mia was lying on the floor with a towel that covered only her women place and her hands covering her breasts.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" she yelled after her heart attack.
"Mia chan, what are those marks on your body?" Asked Juuzou, his eyes focused on those scars.
"D-Don't look baka!" she said as she turn red.
"Mhhmmm what everrr~" He sung like nothing just happened and walked out of the bathroom.
"Jesse" She whispered as she got up. She changed her clothes and walked to the living room.
"Juzo?" she called out.
"Mmm?" He asked peeking his head out of one of the other rooms.
She walked into that room to meet a million books. Juuzou was cross-legged sitting on the chair, holding on some papers.
"Look what Haise just send me! It's about a New ghoul!" He said in enthusiasm. Mia looked at those papers.
A ghoul named "Black fox" doing a lot of troubles lately.
"Hooo I'm so happy" He said and squeezed his eyes together.
"That... really cool..." Said Mia and rubbed her head.
"Don't worry, Mia chan, when you will be done with the exams, you will be fighting with me!" He said and took her hand.
She smiled and nodded.
"Oh, that remains me Mia chan" He said as he pull up Mia's shirt,
"What are those scars doing on your skin?" He asked.
"J-Juzo! You can't just do that" She said and pull her shirt done, walking out of the room. He skipped after her.
"Where I will be sleeping tonight?" She asked him.
"With me of course!" He said with a grin.
Sleeping with Juuzou? That boy can kick your ass in his sleep.
"What? You don't want to?" He asked and his smile dropped.
"Of course I want" She smiled.

The bed felt really cozy when Mia hopped in. Juuzou lay right next to her, his head is inches for hers.
"I want to stitch you up" He whispered.
"What? Why?" she asked.
"You don't love those scars, do you? I can make them feel good" He said.
She blush a bit but nodded, maybe it can make it look better. He smiled and run out the bed to bring his possessions.
She took off her shirt, leaving her with her bra. Juuzou didn't even pay any attention to her discomfort; he was too focused on his needle.
When he was done, he was so happy with the result, he kissed every inch of the red stiches.
"It's really pretty" Mia breathe out.
"I missed you" Juzo whispered and hugged Mia, "Goodnight, Mia chan, Sleep well"He said and kissed her gently.     

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