C h a p t e r 15 : She's back

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"Mia chan Mia chan" a happy voice sang.
"W-What happened to me... where am I? Who is there?" Asked Mia, falling into the panic. "Oh My! Isn't it Mia chan? What are you doing here?" A blonde girl appeaered in front of Mia.
"Y-Yui?" Asked Mia.
"MMhm" she hummed. "What happened to you? You look worried" Asked Yui.
"I...died...?" asked Mia.
"Hahaha! God you are so funny!" Yui chuckled. "Just like the old days..." she said. "What is happening?" Mia asked.
"Are you in pain, Mia chan?" Asked Yui.
"Pain?" Mia said.
"Yes... are you in pain? Are you feel guilt or amazement or sorrow... What do you feel, Mia chan?" Asked Yui.
"I... I feel confused..." Mia said.
"You can't decide, can you?" Mia sigh and walked over to her.
"Mia, look at me. Do you want me to help you? Do you want me to show you what you really feel?" Asked Yui.
"You can... do it?" Asked Mia.
"Yes" Yui smiled.
"Yui...I want you... to show me..." Mia answered.
"So come with me, Mia chan. Let me show you a new world" Said Yui and took Mia's hand.

"Now, Now, Are you still in pain?" Asked the doctor, chancing the liquid in the small bag.
"I... my head... hurts..." Said Mia, trying to move her hand but fails.
"My my, it's because the medicine sweetheart. Don't worry, now you will feel better." He said and smiled a warm smile.
"Where are everybody... can you tell me... what happened?" Asked Mia.
"I don't really know, but when you came here you was unconscious. It looked like you were suffering, so we gave you some tranquilizer and analgesic. You have been here for a week. I will call for your partners and say you woke up. You're in the Qunix squad, right?" He asked. Mia nodded and with that he was gone. "I don't remember what happened..." Said Mia, looking around.
"Is she awake?~" A playful sound echoed the room. The door opened wide and there was standing the black haired male.
"hoayo gozims Mia chan!" Said Juuozu and walked in.
"W-Wait! You can't just visit her! You need a special –" Before the doctor could end his sentence, Juuzou turn around and gave him one of his glares.
"How do you feel~?" Asked Juuzou and sat next to the bed.
exhausted, drained, fatigued.
"Tired, I guess" Mia said, ignoring the voices in her head.
You need to sleep. You want to sleep. Go to sleep.
"What happened?" Mia asked. The only reason she ignored the voice was because she wanted Juuzou to stay with her for a while.

"Well, I don't know either; all I know is that I found you on the floor, dying. I thought you would tell me who did this~ I guess I was wrong" He said.
"Dying?" Asked Mia.
"Don't you remember?" Asked Juuzou.
"No..." Mia whispered.

Who brought you here?
"Who brought me here?" Asked Mia.
"After I found you on the floor and you pass out, I called Henabee who called Haise." Said Juuzou.
Mia put her hand on her forehead.
"What is wrong?" Asked Juuzou.
"My head... aching" Said Mia.
"Oh... poor Mia chan" Said Juuzou and kissed her forehead.
"I have to go to work" Said Juuzou.
"What? But you just came..." Said Mia, a bit upset.
"I will come later, I have things I need to do..." Said Juuzou.
"Things that is more important than me?" Mia said and immediately covered her mouth. "Huh?" Juuozu looked confused.
Stay here, don't go. I want you to stay.
"N-Nothing! You can go, I will be waiting for you" Said Mia. The moment Juuzou left another headache hit Mia.

"What is that..." Mia wondered.
You trying to ignore me? Well it won't work. I'm here to help you, Mia chan. You have to trust me and listen to me.

"Haise~~~!!!" Juuzou yelled and run up to him.
"How are you Juuzou? How Mia is doing?" He asked.
"Mia is great! She is home now, relaxing. She needs to rest" Juuzou said.
"Yea, she does. So, Hanebee said you wanted to ask me something" Said Haise.
"Oh, right! I wanted to ask you about that new boy... Kou... I think... where is he?" Asked Juuzou.
"Kou? Oh, I know, the new one. Well, I just had a meeting and he was there, I think he might be still there, why?" Asked Haise, But Juuzou already was on his way to the meeting room.
"Kou kun, are you here~" Asked Juuzou as he entered the room.
"Yes, who is that?" Kou asked and turn around.
"Oh. You again" he said and sigh.
"Kou kun, don't be so rude~" Said Juuzou and walked over to the boy.
"What do you want?" He asked, closing his suitcase.
"What were you doing two weeks ago at my apartment...~" Asked Juuzou.
"What? I don't know even where you are living" Said Kou.
"Don't play with me~" Said Juuzou and smiled.
"I don't know what you are talking about, freak." Said Kou and took his suitcase, but before he could do another move, his suitcase was cut into two pieces and all the papers fell out of it. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU LITTLE-"but Juuzou already held one knight right next to his throat. "I warned you~ Now tell me, Kou kun, what have you done with my pretty Mia chan?" Asked Juuzou.
"I-I don't know I-" The boy shuttered, "Come on, I know you are hiding something" Said Juuzou and held the knight even tighter.
"Okay-Okay I will tell you but please, don't kill me!!!" Juuzou chuckled and let the boy speak.

"Oh, Juuozu, you are early! What brought you here so early?" Asked Mia.
"Today wasn't so special" Juuzou sounded like he complained.
He is lying.
"Oh, really?" Asked Mia.
Juuozu looked at her with a blank glance until he smirked and said "MMhmm".
He know's something you don't.
"And what you were doing today?" Mia asked.
"I'm so hungry... say; can you make me one of your sandwiches?"
No. Answer.
"Pretty please?" He asked and Mia couldn't do anything but nod.
Another wave of headache hit Mia.
"Say Mia, are you headaches gone?" Asked Juuzou.
"y-Yes" Mia said.
"So why you look like you in pain?" Asked Juuzou and wrapped his hands around her torso.
You want him.
"J-Juuzou..." Mia whispered as he kissed her gently at the back of her neck.
A chill run through her body.
"Do you feel the chill?" Asked Juuzou.
"yea..." Mia said, almost moaning.
"Mia... you sound like you are" He whispered in her ear, "having fun~"
"I need you... Mia whispered.
"Of course you do~" Juuzou giggled and let her go.
Caught him, and say you want him! Do something! You want him you need him!
"Why did you stop...?" Mia asked, her head looking down.
"Stop what? Asked Juuzou with wondering eyes.
Don't give up!
"Never mind... here is your sandwich..." Said Mia and walked to the bathroom.
"Ugh stop with the headache already" Mia whispered and washed her face.
"What do I do...?" she asked herself.
Listen to me and you will know.
Mia could see Yui in the mirror, standing just behind her, holding her close.

"Oh man... it didn't work" Juuzou sigh and swing on his chair.
"What should I do now~~" He thought aloud.
"Mhm, Juuzou? Is everything is fine?" Asked Haise as he entered his office.
"I need an advice" Juuzou inform.
"Sure, what you need?" Asked Haise and sat in front of the boy.
"I need to find Mia's weak point, and I don't know how" Said Juuzou.
"Well... maybe you can just ask her...?" Haise didn't even wanted to hear why for god sake Juuzou needed that information.
"She won't tell me" Juuzou sigh.
"I have a plan, but I don't know how to make it work" Said Juuzou.
"What plan?"
"sexual, Mental and emotional".


Short, I know, sorry. If you like it so far, please comment or vote.
Next chapter will be with sexual content and lemon. If you don't like things like that, you can skip the chapter. I will try to update as soon as I can. Thank you all for reading, it means a lot for me. ♥ 

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