C h a p t e r 9 : New case & good words

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It was late morning hour when Mia opened her eyes; the pain didn't leave her for a minute since then.
Outside the window was a thin snow stratum covering the thick glass.
She sat up, and looked around. Where was Juuzou?
Next to the bed, on the little table, was standing a white plate with something on it. It smelled like Human's meat, but it was with a covering so she wasn't sure. It must have been Juuzou, after all Mia need to eat if she want to live.
She opened slowly the covering until she saw a piece of red & bloody meat. As much as she wanted to eat all of it in one bite, she couldn't because of her wounds and bruises. She started to eat it slowly, feeling her right eyes changing its color. The meat was good; it was really sweet and flavorful.
She took small bites, chewed it and swallowed.

"Mia chan are you Awake?" She heard a voice behind the door.
She suddenly felt anxiety. The last thing she wanted was Juuzou to see her eating Humans meat in his bedroom.
It was too late, and he opened the door, to see his Mia chan eating that human's meat when little bit of that blood is on her lips.

Something in his gaze changed, but he kept smiling and giggling.
"How does my Mia chan feel?" He asked, siting closer to her.
"Better" she said, avoiding his gaze. She put the last piece in her mouth and quickly swallowed it.
"How was the meal? I hunted it by myself" He said in pried.
"It was fine. Did you kill someone?" She asked, little bit shocked from the fact Juuzou killed a human for her meal.
"Well, he was a bad person, so it's fine, nee?~" He asked.
"Sure" said Mia while nodding.
All of a sudden, Juuzou lean on. Mia was sure he was about to kiss her, but instead he licked her lips and her cheek.
Mia turn red and yelled "W-What was that for!" But Juuzou only chuckled,
"You had a little bit of dirt right there" He said.
"W-Whatever" Said Mia and looked away, way too embarrassed to look at him.
"Where have you been? When I woke up, you weren't here..." She said, trying to change the topic.
"Oh, right! I were in CCG, they wanted me to help them with your new quinque" He smiled, excited as hell.
"Wait till you see it, it is so beautiful!" He said.
She smiled weakly too, remembering the fight she went through. She was wondering about why Yui have changed so much. Can It be because of Misaki? It can't be... Misaki couldn't influence her that much... but maybe he was torturing her! And that's why her hair was so light and her body looked so much thinner.
"Mhmm? What are you thinking about?" Asked Juuzou the wondering girl.
"Just... stuff. Well I should get up now, we could go somewhere, yea?" She asked while getting up, but when she removed the blanket she found out she was wearing only panties.
She quickly covered herself back, blushing.
"W-WHY AM I NAKED!" she asked, she remembers she was going to sleep fully clothed.
"Oh , that? I needed to give you some more stiches, but you were sleeping, so I just needed to get rid of those clothes" He smiled like it's a normal thing to do.
"Y-You can't just do it like that!" Said Mia in anger.
"Why not?" He asked in wondering face.
"Because I'm a girl and I have parts of my body I don't want everyone to see" She said a loud and clear.
"Is that so? Well, I'm not everyone, am I? so it's fine" He said, convinced it was really fine.
She didn't know how to answer that. Juuzou could see she was bothered, so he lean on her, now the thing that was separating the two was only the thin blanket. His chin was on her sternum.
"Why are you so bothered with me seeing you?" He asked, turning serious. It wasn't like Juuzou to turn like this, the old Juuzou would tease her about it, making fun of her red face, but now he was really bothered by it. It looked like he really cared.
"I'm just shy, that's all" She said, avoiding his gaze, but Juuzou didn't let her. He caught her chin in and turn it so now she was looking into his eyes.
"Is that so?" he asked, his voice a bit husky.
"Juuzou..." Mia whispered, her eyes hypnotized by his ruby.
"Suzuya senpai I HAVE GOOD NEW-" A loud voice said but it was cut down.
In the door was standing Hanbee , the tall slender man who came in the most unexpected moment.
He fall to his knees and started to apologize "I'm so so so so so sorry Mia san and Suzuya senpai sorry I'm so-" He said.
Juuzou chuckled and let go of Mia's chin.
Mia was so angry she could break every Hanbee's bone, but the Uncomfortable feeling took its place instead.
"It's fine Hanbee san, what you wanted to tell?" Asked Juuzou and turn to face him. The unexpected change in his emotions sometimes surprised her.
"It's about Big madam." Said Hanbee. No wonder he rushed so fast here.
Juuzou's face dropped.
"Mama...?" He whispered.
"Yes, Senpai. We need to have a meeting" Said Hanbee, trying to avoid Mia's gaze.
Juuzou turn to Mia and said "I have to go, will you be fine with that?"
-No, I won't. I want to spend time with you after this much time, I want to touch and kiss and laugh with you more, so please, stay.-
"Sure, I will be waiting for you to come back home" Mia smiled.
Juuzou smiled and pecked her cheek before going with Hanbee away.
"Waiting... for you..." Mia whispered to herself.

-I was running. I don't know where or why, I just felt I was in hurry. When I reached the place I need to be in, It started to rain. Juuzou was there, and his black hair was started to fade into the white one. The color just washed away, as well as his stiches did.
He was bleeding, but it didn't bother him. He was sitting there, watching something. That something was BIG ghoul, with two grey eyes. It was eating Shinohara san, and when it was done, he was eaten by Yui.
I tried to touch Juuzou, I wanted him to run away before the ghoul reaches him, but I couldn't. I was fading away.
When the ghoul noticed him he was in his way to him. I tried to stop it, but I was fading. I wasn't there when they needed me, I let him down. –

Mia woke up in tears.
She was breathing heavily, "A-a nightmare..." she said and got up. She put on a white tank top and sweatpants, due to the cold air which was in the apartment. It was still snowing outside.
'It have been 5 hours since Juuzou went with Hanbee... I wonder where are they' She thought aloud while making herself a cup of tea. The wounds on her skin looked much better.

"What will be with those nightmare's?... I can't keep sleeping like this forever..." She said to herself, looking at her face in the mirror while touching the blue bags under her eyes.

The door opened and Juuzou walked in along with Haise, Akira and Henbee.
"Hello Mia chan, how are you?" Asked Akira while taking her shoes off.
"Good, thank you for the help the other day" Mia said and smiled.
"We need to continue the meeting, Mia chan, would you wait in our room until it will be over?~" Asked Juuzou, a playful smile appeared on his lips.
Nevertheless his voice was cheerful and his smile sweet as always, Mia could see he was tired. The way he said 'Our room' was surprising.
And still, even if his here, he still isn't here. She wished he could have more free time, but not only for her, but for himself too.
It must've been hard for him to work so much none stopping.
When the meeting was finally over, and all the people were gone, Mia stepped out the room, looking at the tired smile on Juuzou's face.
When he caught her gaze he smiled and said "What a busy day... I think I will go to sleep by now~".
"Juuzou... don't you think you putting too much of yourself?" Mia asked, her voice quite.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Well, you always working, and even if you have a day off, you still go to meetings and fight's and etc.... don't you think you over doing it?" Mia asked, gently touching his hand.
"I working hard not only for my sake, but for shinohara san's too. I can't help it..." He said, smiling weakly.
"But it's fine to rest once in a while..." She said.
"I'm fine, Mia chan. I know my limits" He said. 
And still, she was worried. 

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