Chapter 42 - Family Reunion

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Alyc's POV:

Awaking groggily, my head spinning and vision blurry, I watch the world begin to make sense and become a clear image. I think about how I got here.. Wait! I remember writing something then...
He drugged me!
That bastard drugged me!
It's one thing knocking me unconscious but it's another drugging me!

In an angered frenzy, I look around the room. It's brightly coloured with Victorian looking furniture. It looks like a room that used to belong to a child. There's toys dotted around the room, a creepy dolls house in the corner and in front of the bed where I sit, is a huge metal door... With no handle.

Anger fills my vision and I run over to it. Shoving, banging and running at the door doesn't work at all. It just leaves me with a pain in my shoulder and a really bad headache.

I lean against the door, sliding down it, the cold metal against my back. I take another look around the room, looking for another way out. There are fake windows with ugly curtains, a grandfather clock in the corner and written underneath the clock, in bright red marker
"Chapter One - Down The Rabbit Hole"

Realization hits me like a car (no pun intended). I slowly get to my feet, starring around the room. There are references everywhere. Hearts all over the wall, a grinning cat on the bed and a child's tea set on the floor.

This is Wonderland.
He's created his own sick, sadistic version of a child's paradise and I'm stuck in it. I panic for a moment. If I'm Alice, who is Ollie? Who is the Hatter, Rabbit and Dormouse? Who is the Red Queen?

I quickly realize something and reach for my pocket, gasping when the familiar metal object meets my hand. I insert my password and go to the dialler. I press the first number I see and I hold the phone to my ear. An all to loud beep rings out and, when inspecting the screen, I see the words I do not want to see:

---No Sim Card Inserted.---

In a fury of anger, I fling my phone at a wall, watching it break into pieces. I scream out to whoever the fuck is listening,
"Why! Why would you do this you disgusting, sadistic fuck!"

Looking around the ceiling I notice a small black ball badly hidden above the bed. I've seen these before, at school. It's...
A camera!
I glare into it, yelling
"So you're that fucking sick that you've got to watch me as well! Get a hobby! Try stamp collecting!"

Looking around the room, I notice at least another three cameras all badly hidden. I shiver as I realize that this is only the beginning of something strange and possibly dangerous.

Fear starts to fill my body but I force it away. I can't be scared, I'm not allowed to be scared. I've got to find my brother, find an escape and end this!

Making me jump, a voice fills the room,
"I'm late! I'm late! I'm very, very late!"

A loud noise and a creaking noise makes me look over towards the door. It creaks open, showing a long corridor that leads into an open room.

"What the actual hell is this! A sick game show?" I shout towards the camera. I sigh and walk over to the door. "Fine! I'll play along. I'll be your Alice In Wonderland"

Walking into the room, I spot a figure, ragged, drowned in shadows and slightly hunches. My hands curl into a fist as my eyes try to adapt to low light. Looking around the room, I count at least, seven open doors, all surrounding this figure. I walk towards the being, expecting it to be Colin but when I get closer, and circle them, I notice the person is too small, too frail. It's a woman's figure, small and strangely recognizable.

"Alyc, Is that you?" The woman calls to me.

The voice is all i need to know who the woman is.
"Aunt Silvia?" I gasp, running to her side. I know that this woman was completely useless and full of mystery but seeing a familiar being, a family member that isn't a complete douchewad fills me with a small amount of determination. (UNDERTALE JOKES!!)

I walk in front of her and raise her head, gently, so that I can see her face in the dimly lit light. Her face is roughly daubed with gaudy make-up. Her hair has been dyed a bright orange, and viciously back-combed into a crazy mess, yet neatly parted down the middle. An over-sized hat is balanced on-top of her head, and a crazed look is plastered across her face. She looked like Johnny Depp in Alice in...

Oh no... not you...

"No silly, it's me. We're going to be late, come one!" She suddenly bursts out, chirpily and in an insane manner.

I stare at her, and don't move. Her smile is wide, insane and doesn't reach her eyes. Her eyes are hard to look at, they're full of emotion. They show torture, pain and tiredness and yet she's acting delusional. She looks like someone out of an Asylum.

"What do you mean, Silvia? I thought it was the white rabbit that was late?"

I wreck through my head, remembering the tale of Alice in Wonderland and everything in this sadistic version is wrong. I think back to American McGees Alice: Madness returns and all other renditions of the tale and everything says that this is wrong. That this story is wrong.

Her eyes widen, madness pouring through them as she laughs, sickly, "Did you smash your head against a bookshelf as you fell, Alyc? And wheres that pretty dress you had on last time? I loved seeing you in it. "

I jump back as she reaches out for my arm, "What dress? Silvia please, you're not making any sense." I ask again, trying to make her see logic and sense.

Despite my efforts, she manages to grab my arm, pulling me towards one of the doorways.

"Who's Silvia? Not me! No! I'm Hatter, The Mad Hatter. Come on now. It's Tea Time. We're going to be late." Her voice trails off as she drags me with her, skipping and being merry.

I rip my arm away and look around, shouting. "What have you done to her! I swear, If you've done the same thing to Olivier, I will hurt you!"

Silvia grabs my arm again and calls me a crazy girl.

I wonder who else is in here....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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