Chapter 21 - Hannah

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If Opportunity doesn't knock, build a door! - Anon

I ran through the corridors, trying to figure out where he is. I knew he would be angry but not THIS angry! I bump into Sparkles* as I run down the hall,

"Alyc, what's happening? I heard Stripp-"

"He's here!" I gasped out as I tried to breathe again. 

His eyes widened and then anger filled them. He gently pushed me behind him and walked the way I had just come. 

"NO! Sparkles*. Don't!" I scream at him. He doesn't listen so I grab his arm and pull it.

He turns around, Anger filling his face, "Please Sparkles*! He may be a jackass but I don't want you to get hurt. You're like my brother. I want you to still be okay!" 

Tears filled up my eyes. He sighed and looked behind him. He looked back at me. "Damn you Alyssa!" he says and he grabs my hand and we run towards the back door of the office. 


// Simons POV \\

Lewis and I walked up towards the lobby and saw Strippin.

Strippin on the floor. 

Strippin on the floor...


 I ran up to him panicked and checked for a pulse...Still breathing! I sighed.

So, that's why he stopped talking. I thought

But, where is Colin now?

Sips' POV:

I ran faster than I ever had before. I really didn't want to face a pissed off, angry drunk man. I ran, not looking where I was going and collided into someone.

 I looked up in fear...

I sighed in relief as I realised it was only Sjin.

"Why are you running Sips? You could have hurt someone!" He scolded.

 "Sjin, Alyc's uncle is here!" I whispered.

 I watched Sjins eyes widen in fear.


"And...I may have kicked him in the shin..." I whispered.

Sjin chuckled, "You kicked the SJIN!"

"C'mon," I said, "We have to hide."

Hannahs POV:

Yogtowers seemed deserted when I got there. I couldnt see anyone. It was strange, something didn't feel right.

I walked down the halls to my office. It was all silent.

Just as I got to my door, a man came round the corner.

He looked angry, and I could smell alcohol radiating off of him.

"Sir?" I asked.

He whipped round to look at me.

"C-Can I help you?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"Yes, in fact, you can help me," he snarled.

He stomped over to me and grabbed my arm, hard.

"Hey-" I started.

He clamped his hand down on my mouth, and roughly picked me up.

"You're gonna help me get Alyssa back!" He snarled in my face.

I tried to scream, but couldnt.

He pulled me down the corridor.

Was this...Colin?

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