Chapter 40 - Awkward...

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Love is an open door - Anna & Hans (Frozen)

Toby's POV:

 "Stay here, I'll go and get her!" Parv says, before dashing out the door and gasping.

"Found her!" He says pushing Alyssa through the door.

Sparkles and Martyn run out, and I hear a key turn. I jump up and hammer on the door, trying the handle, but it doesn't work, we're locked in. 

Damn you Martyn!!! 

Alyssa's POV:

This is not happening, This CANNOT be happening! Not right now! First there's Lucy, Then there's what happened in the classroom at lunch. 

Toby walks away from the door. I go up to the door and bang on it.

"Martyn Littlewood, let us out of here!"

 "Nahhh!" He says.

 "I'll upload it!"

 He gasps and starts hissing through the door,

 "Alyssa Hayford-Lane, you promised not to do that!" 

 "Let me out then!" I say, trying to 'persuade' him.

 I hear Sparkles mutter something to Martyn and then he yells,


 I sigh and slump against the bottom of the door, my head in my lap.

I whisper, "Please..."

 I hear them walk away laughing.

 "Alyssa?" I hear Toby say.

 I look up, "Yeah?" I say quietly.

 "You heard what they were saying, didnt you?"

 I raise my head, "Yeah..."

 He sighs, and mutters "Shit..." under his breath.



 We began to speak at the same time, our eyes met, but I looked away, feeling awkward.

 "Look Alyssa, I like you...a lot...but if you don't feel the same way then..." he trailed off looking down at his feet. "Alyssa, I..."


We stared into each other's for what felt like forever. Then he said... 

"I love you..."

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