A Look Into The Past (I)

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It was an ordinary evening, or so it seemed.

The night was dead. Chirping luna gales and merry men having a cheer at the inn were the only ones heard. A few homes still had their lamps lit bright like the crescent moon furled about some clouds. Mergrande felt safe, assured by the peace that would soon be broken.

The clock ticked by, plunging deeper into the night. Everyone was sound asleep.

As the current guard on duty, Mathias was supposed to be on watch at the old stone tower. But instead of doing the usual task of looking-out, he was slumped on his chair, eyes closed, drooling. Whenever a breeze swept the air, it would only lull him deeper into sleep.

It was a tradition for Mathias to sleep during shifts. Anyway, he had never encountered trouble while being on guard before. Where's the harm in a tired man getting some rest?

Before dozing off, he was at ease, feeling secure as usual. After all, how could he not when nobody was expecting something grim to happen? 'This night', he reasoned, was nothing special just like any other Mergrande night.

At least, it's what he always told himself.

Out of the blue, the sound of a horn pierced the cloud-bare sky. The wispy hum escalated into a loud buzzing sound. Mathias awoke to the noise. Rubbing his eyes, he tried to blink away his drowsiness.

'Wait a second,' he muttered to himself. Brushing away strands of hair off his pale face, he listened with undivided focus. The guard immediately recognized the sound ─ a battle cry! Moments later, it was succeeded by the thundering clatter of hooves.

A bead of sweat trickled down his forehead.

Mathias's entire consciousness rose up to its senses. 'Waesards!' he cursed in silence. Scrutinizing the half-grown grain fields from a distance, fear found its way into his eyes. For a second, he wasn't sure. No, he just didn't want to believe. It was too outrageous to be true.

Every muscle in his body froze for a moment. Hopeless. He was paralyzed by an undefined terror that gripped his soul.

Waking up from shock, Mathias grabbed a metal stick lying on round table and slammed it to the huge bell that hung beside his chair. The strong brunt churned his hand numb but he didn't mind. Alerting the whole town of suspicious activities was his responsibility.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

His ears strained from the strident ringing. Wasting no time, he immediately lit three worn lanterns dangling on the balcony ─ a signal of grave danger storming on its way.

"Unknown foes are fast approaching!" Mathias yelled at the top of his lungs. "They come in hundreds!" He repeated many times until his voice was hoarse.

It wasn't long before the village was wide awake. Panic surged like a flashflood.

Women briskly gathered their children, hushing them again and again. But their cries couldn't be stifled easily. Most families hid within trapdoors hidden beneath their floorboards. Some went down to their knees and prayed to the gods. They weren't even certain if the gods exist. A few just did nothing. Their faith was empty. They were ready to accept the tragedy that was to come.

Upon seeing the rumpus, Mathias shut his eyes tight. Abandoning hopeful thoughts, he knew too well that trying to escape was pointless. There was nowhere to go but the vast ocean behind them or the monster-infested forest up ahead the mountains. Besides, they would never be able to outrun the horses nor the fiends riding them.

He sighed. Mergrande was as good as mouse caught in a trap.

Gathering what was left of his courage, he raced down the tower. 'I have to get Mother and Alisha to safety!' he mumbled. Alisha was his little sister and she didn't deserve to be in this mess.

The sight of frantic people running to and fro occurred to him when he reached the winding streets of dirt. Two drunkards were in a hurry to leave town in stolen horses but Mathias didn't care. Nobody seemed to care.

At last, he arrived at his home. He sprung the door of their small hut open, surprised to see his mother knitting socks by the table. The white-haired woman was unaware of the uproar outside.

Mathias rushed to his sister's bedroom.

Alisha was sleeping soundly, clad in her usual sleeping dress made of snow silk. Strands of her auburn hair dangled on the sides of the bed. He couldn't help but force a quick smile because of her innocence.

"Mother The village is under siege! We have to get away from here!"

She gave him no reply but drilled his gaze with cold eyes that were empty of emotion.

"Shush, child. I knew this day would come but I won't leave our home."

Her son couldn't believe what he just heard. "What?"

"This is where I was born, this is where I shall die. Mergrande is destined to perish one day. This is that day. Sins have to be paid. More often - at a terrible price."

"What are you talking about?" Mathias shouted. He wanted to argue more but there was no time. They had to go.

"Hurry now! We've no time to waste."

Again there was silence. His mother had always been difficult to understand but he somehow managed. This time, he thought she was completely unreasonable.

"I don't know what you're talking about but you're coming with me!" Mathias cried, grabbing her by the wrists. The knits scattered on the floor as he knocks them off her hands.

She pulls away from his grip and slaps him in the face. Petrified by surprise, he stood frozen for a moment. She said nothing but he got the message. Diana was rooted to the place and there's no convincing her.

"Bloody hell! If you do wish to stay, fine. But I will take Alisha somewhere safe!"

Again, she just rewarded him with a blank stare while slowly picking up the knits. His mother's ignorance was mincing his heart ─ worse than an arrow through his chest. What's so special about this place that she's willing to die for it? Of course, he came up with no answer. He dashed back to the room and woke Alisha, grabbing her hands.

"What's wrong, Mathias?" Alisha asked, still drowsy.

"We need to go. Mergrande isn't safe."

"Huh? Why? Where are we going?"

"Just come with me."

"What about Mother?"

"Leave her be. She's going to follow later."

She would always believe in him. Mathias knew that. Their father left and little Alisha grew up with him acting like a father.

Together, they bolted out of the house. Mathias took one last look at his mother who was still busy with weaving. He couldn't help but feel hopeless as a tear trickled down his pale cheek.

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Question: What do you think of Mathias's choice of leaving his mother behind?

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