X - Confrontation

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The red haired girl raises an insolent brow after hearing my name. I clench my fists so hard that they shake timidly. My anger's boiling too hot to cool, it might pop up soon. If I were you, I'd learn to watch my manners, brat. I've been waiting for an opportunity to dig her a grave, ever since the first time she pointed an arrow at Arthus.

"Put the bow down or direct it somewhere else other than him," I order firmly with a matching glare, emphasizing authority in my voice.

"Who are you? His sweetheart? But you look like an old hag with that white hair of yours." she queries in a tone that makes me and Arthus flinch. Then she transfers her aim to me, smiling annoyingly for the love of my temper.

That's it. You've crossed the line.

I can't hold it any longer. With a rapid step, I dash forward while summoning Sin, leveling it with her neck in an instant. The malicious black blade should be enough to scare her.

"Time to zip your mouth, lassie," I whisper only for her to hear. She counters back with a grin.

"Sure but not today, lady."

I hear whirring and clanging sounds behind my back. Averting to the corners of my eyes, I see arrows floating in mid-air, poking at my armor. They're engulfed in green glow. Augmentation is a random form of arcane, who knows what effect is enchanted in these? One arrow hovers beside my head, twirling some of my hair with its tip.

"Still got a trick under your sleeve? I mean, armor?" She laughs.

I sigh softly. To hell with the Elves and their bizarre arcane. But I didn't yield, not lowering Sin even just a single inch. One more word of conceited wisdom and she'll bid her neck goodbye-together with her silly persona.

"That's enough, the two of you. Serrah. . . Xandria, put down your weapons right now," Arthus's solid command springs up from behind me. His displeased tone makes me cringe.

"Who put you in charge?" Xandria inquires mockingly.

I wrestle with the overpowering desire to slice her neck. Arthus won't be too happy if I execute actions without his order.

Materializing at this moment is already a major transgression.

"Do as you're told," is his cold reply.

Letting Sin fade slowly, I take a step back as I scrutinize Xandria with extreme hostility. A triumphant chuckle leaks out from her lips. Immediately, the arrows drop, clanking noisily as they hit the ground.

"Consider yourself lucky. Had not Arthus-"

"Blah, blah, blah. You sound broken hearted already," she cuts me off. This time, I'm shaking fervently with anger while thinking of a thousand ways to torture this foul-mouthed brat.

"I said, enough," Arthus snarls as flames erupt on his right hand and snow swirling on the other.

"Chill, idiot. Funny how you love using ice but you can't keep your cool," Xandria smirks while rubbing her chin with her thumb.

"Give us a minute," Arthus mutters, grabbing my hand and hauling us several feet away Xandria.

"What are you doing here, Serrah?" he whispers, grinding his teeth; eyes boring holes as they stare at mine. That's not a good sign but Arthus really looks charming when he's angry.

"Protecting you from a peanut-minded mortal whose manners are extraordinarily obnoxious, I swear-"

"What? You don't think I can handle myself?" He snaps.

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