I - The Wanderer

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|| Curse / Swear Words / Expressions ||

Scite (sayt) – meaning shit (Ex: Oh, scite!)

Wench – a wretched person, a wretched situation (Ex: What a wench.)

Bauchi (baw'chee) – meaning bitch (Shut yer' trap, ye bauchi.)

These are the words that Arthus uses. He only uses these words as an expression though, not as means of insulting someone.

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Once, a good man told me that 'a marked man remains marked until he is killed.'

For many years, I have put my faith in these words — faith for the purpose of revenge.

How many years has it been? Six? Maybe seven? Ever since he murdered my family and everyone in Mergrande, I've marked King Lazaddon big time. I wonder why I haven't had a chance to kill that bloody bastard yet.

Wench. Vengeance is such a drag and my patience is gradually wearing off.

Still, today's like the usual. No suspicious activity, no soldier spying on me, no fun at all. It's just another natural afternoon in the province of Varcova. I swear I'd probably die of boredom first before Lazaddon gets me.

My eyes feel drowsy because of subtle atmosphere of the forest. Well, at least I'm not alone. Reaching to my side, I pull out a black dagger from the sheath.


I smile as my fingers run along the cold metal blade. I admire the intricate curving patterns on its hilt. The sight of her gleaming tip seems as good as a deadly touch.

She's my only treasure left. I'd never let Lazaddon's filthy hands touch her again.

Withdrawing from my thoughts, I scan around.

Remains of bears litter the moss-covered floor. Giant trees tower above me, blocking most of the sun. The lovely chirping of holly jays echoes throughout the thickness of green. I close my eyes, enjoying the sense of calm.

Suddenly, I hear movement. To my relief, it's just a squirrel that scampered inside a dead log. Several wild butterflies flutter above the bear carcasses, waiting for me to go so they can feast on it. Butterflies are adorable except for these ones. They're carnivorous.

I put away Shadespierce and pull out my other blade — a broadsword. I never really use Shadespierce for simple things unless necessary. I feel she's too grand for anything ordinary other than fighting.

Now, back to the task, I gather fresh pelts from each bear. My cloak's splattered with their blood. I stuff the pelts into my knapsack. It's the proof that I've completed the job at hand. Hmm, how many pelts did that quest require again? Was it five pieces? Anyway, I greedily secure ten just to be sure. The leftovers can still be sold for fair coins.

I sigh. It's a good thing that I finished the hunt early today.

Nightfall is fast approaching and the forest is home to many dangers. I shudder at the idea of spending the night with dead bears. Hell no.

With my sword in hand, I follow the narrow trail among the shrubs and grass. I take notice of the marks I carved on the barks earlier. Before long, I'm out of the forest.

The sun's beginning to settle behind the snowy peaks of Frostheights. Shades of auburn and red paint the smoky sky. Darkness starts to eat away the remaining rays of sunshine.

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