XVI - Fierce Sky Battle

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"Lagrisme or more commonly known as the City of Shadows or the Ruined City, is the place where Altera's base is located. It is veiled in some sort of arcane that makes it appear invisible to outsiders."

- Guilds and Organizations (Reilm Atlas) pg. 24

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By the time Merci finished explaining the plan, the sky pirates are almost upon us.

"Remember, we need to finish them off before their mother ship appears!" Merci shouts. All of us nod indicating that the plan's in motion.

Seymour, who has turned into a giant eagle, swerves sharply beside our griffon. The strategy for me is to ride him while joining the fight. Merci has explained that Xandria and I will only drag him down. I have to agree with him on that one.

But it still doesn't change the fact that I need to do the jump. Honestly, I don't think I'm still up for this anymore. What the hell of an idea. Heights are such a menace.

Standing up, I prepare to transfer on Seymour's back. With my eyes shut tight, I take a deep breath. After this, then I'll be worrying about pirate scums. Churlish bauchi, it's actually easier said than done. My body won't stop shaking.

"Are you sure about this? You're bloody cold." Xandria asks as she holds my hand. Keeping my balance's taking a lot of effort so I didn't answer.

"Make haste, Arthus!"

"I know, I know! Don't rush me, mate. I've never done this befo—


An arrow whirs past before my eyes. Its tip has shaved away strands of my hair. My heart skips a beat. Scite. I would have been dead. I realize there's no time to lose. The pirates have begun their assault. Just standing dumb like this makes me an easy target — easier than an apple in a plate. Forgetting my fears, I leap.

Luckily, I land on something. Seymour squeaks. My weight must have surprised him. I swear that will be my last leap of faith. I'm never doing such a crazy thing again!

"Pay attention to your surroundings. Sky pirates are tricky. Don't expect them to fight fair. Another thing . . . I don't want a single comrade dead, especially a new one. Seymour, keep him safe," Merci says before pulling away from us. Xandria gives me a pitiful look. She not thinking I'm going to die here, isn't she?

Looking ahead, the tiny dots in the sky have already grown bigger. It seems like several dozens of them are headed our way. At least their forms appear human. The surprising thing is that those sky pirates aren't riding griffons. Well, not like the ones that I know of. How are they even flying?

The first pirates we come across have us surrounded in no time. Their faces are daub with devious smiles. Each of them holds a cutlass. Bows and quivers are hoisted on their backs. They're clad in tattered jerkins and breeches that seem to have not been washed in years. All of them also wear weird-looking hats. Engraved in each hats is a symbol of crossbones and skull with a winged halo. What interest me most are the funny sandals they're wearing — typical peasant footwear but with wings. Not just some décor but live, flapping wings.

So, that's how they manage to fly without griffins? I've seen some bizarre arcane lately but not as bizarre as this one. Arcane that makes you fly? Never heard of it until I seen one now.

"Oi, what a pleasant surprise. We've finally had ye' cornered, ye' worthless maggots!" One of them snarls.

"Aye. I've always wanted to settle scores with Altera."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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