XIV - Off We Go Then!

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The way Amor is making her ragged doll sway while eyeing me feels strange.

"You're not here to kill me?" I bluntly ask.

"Not yet."

I gulp.

"Dragor!" Amor scolds him, crossing her brows.

"No, lad. Luckily for you, even though we're assassins, you're not on the hit list. Let's just say that we're your friends for now," Theodore the dwarf explains, playing with his thick beard. "Though it's not possible. We just met and Amor is the only one dumb enough to willingly accept you. Ha-ha-ha."

"I'm not dumb, old gramps! I'm just friendly!" Amor cries after she smacks Theodore's head. It's funny that they have such a huge gap in age but their heights are the same.

Vypress chuckles then takes of her hood. She captures my gaze. I'm trapped in her spell right away. Wench. Blinking a few times just to be sure, I had to stop my mouth from gaping too much. Her silky straight hair that is as dark as night sky streams with grace down to her hips. Her face is blessed with a well-defined nose and crimson lips that slightly pouts. Her porcelain skin boasts fairer than any other. Yes, even fairer than Serrah's, I must admit. The purple tint of her eye displays an enticing evil. By the gods of creation, this woman is faultless.

I feel a soft smack on my head. I awake from the trance to see Harleigh beaming with a teasing smile.

"Forget about it, mate." He pats my back. "You don't stand a chance. Not even close to holding her hand. Why? Because she's from Endorf."

"And Endorf women hates men," adds Theodore.

Vypress smiles while drumming her fingers on the skull on her staff." You two better stop foiling my reputation or I'll turn you into hamsters."

Both of them fall silent in an instant. I can only assume that this woman defines danger. Besides, I have a strange sensation about the atmosphere which shrouds her arcane.

"Alisha, Seymour." Merci gestures to the two figures standing several paces away from us. "You haven't introduced yourselves yet."

The bulky one takes of his hood first. I'm not surprised to see good old Seymour's greasy face. He snickers at me, folding his arms to his chest. "I've no time for amateurs. Anyway, I was the first to meet him. Ya' know me enough already."

I just shot him a glare. Pretty cheeky for a mate who hardly fended off Lazaddon's soldiers. I whisper to myself. I could still remember how we fought at the forest and how he turned into a bear-man. But I still owe him the favor of treating my injuries.

The other person is cradling a thick book. She slender built with appropriate curves. She takes off the hood. Adorned with thick reading spectacles, her wavy auburn hair complemented her pale face and hazel eyes.

"Uhhhh-hic," she puts her hand on her mouth and adjusts her glasses. "Sorry."

"Elder sis gets hiccups when she's nervous." Amor cheerfully explains.

I nod.

"Hello. It's a pleasure to meet a Merlin like you," she says in a small voice, barely short of a whisper.

I'm surprised on how I felt emphasis with the way she uttered the word Merlin. It's like she knows the word well. Perhaps better than I do. But I quickly shrug the feeling away, blaming it on my dazed perception.

I return to her a warm smile which is somewhat hard to do because of my throbbing wound. The blazing sun isn't making the situation any better too.

"Enough with the unnecessary talk. We must make haste and leave now before Isabel catches up to us," Merci says, unsheathing his blade. "It will also pose a huge problem if the Orcs hear that we were meddling with their country."

I manage to get on my feet. If I remember correctly, Xandria said something about Queen Isabel being a former assassin. I couldn't understand why they wouldn't want her to meet our tracks. Wait.

"Xandria!" I yell.

"Xandria?" All of them inquire in unison except Merci.

I ignore them and immediately dash behind the pile of boxes. Xandria is just lying there, rubbing Vladimiria's fur. She looks at me and smiles. "I finally get to meet them."

Bracing her arm around my neck, we stagger together back to the group. My dog totters from behind. The expression on everybody's face is a taint of shock and amusement. Although I couldn't reckon what Merci's expression is since he has no face.

"Who is she?" Theodore asks.

"A friend. Let's take her with us."

No one answers for a while. The dreary silence engulfs the place in gloom.

"I'm afraid we can't do that," Merci finally speaks. "Orders are for you to come with us. There were no other names or individuals mentioned."

"I'm not coming without her."

"Then we have to eliminate her," Dragor states, arching his sword on his back. Everyone else follows suit and draws their weapons.

Son of a bauchi, how unreasonable! Their orders are more important than Xandria's life? I tighten my grip around her waist and conjure an ice dagger.

"You don't really have to do this, dweeb," she whispers. "Just leave me behind or they'll kill you too."

"How about no? We're going through this together."

Merci sighs and spreads his arm to stop his comrades. "Put down your arms. Arthus, let's talk this through. She can come with us on one condition."

"What?" I reply defiantly.

"You entrust Shadespierce to me on the entire length of the journey."

Not a word comes out of my mouth. Never in my life have I let go of Serrah. She is the reason why I'm a fugitive, constantly in fear for my life every single day. But she is my treasure as well. Now, to place her in the hands of a stranger is a very tough question.

"Don't, idiot. They're obviously tricking you," Xandria mumbles. "I'm fine on my own."

Yes, you are. It would be easy to just leave Xandria behind but no. Somehow, I feel responsible for her. Leaving her behind for the Orcs to capture is the worst thing I would do.

"Very well," I pull out my dark dagger and extend it to him. "But keep in mind I'll cut off your head if you betray your word."

"Oh, scary." Harleigh grins.

"Of course" is Merci's only reply as he receives Shadespierce. I try to shake off the feeling of doubt. This is for the justified good.

"Everyone, release the birds. We're leaving."

Birds? What does he mean?

I immediately got the answer to my question. All of them stab their swords to the ground. Gradually, the blades morph into unbelievable creatures, ones that betray the eyes. I find myself face to face with a black lion with wide wings. Letting loose a blood-curling roar, the beast then sniffs at me and Xandria.

"We call them griffins," Vypress explains.

Merci laughs as he hunches on the lion's back. "He likes you. Hop on. We've no time to waste.

I wedge myself on the furry surface with Vladimiria between me and Merci while Xandria is clutched behind,

"Hold on tight," Merci commands and pats the lion's side. Before I could say even say a word...

We have already launched into the air.

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Sorry for the late update, I wasn't feeling well this week. I hope you are still into my story. Thanks for reading.

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