V - Magical Tidings

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I wake up with a terrible headache. The inside of my temple fiercely hammers skull, throbbing in accordance to the beat of my heart.

Shaking my head to heave the pain away, I then cast a look around. Unfortunately, everything is foggish in a washed-out haze. Hence, I'm hardly able to reckon where I am.

I rub my eyes furiously that they almost shed tears.

After blinking several times, my vision starts to clear and the clouded sensation recedes moments later.

I'm sitting on a stiff mattress atop a wooden bunk. Long strands of cobweb dangle on the low ceiling. The room is small, with only a tiny, round table beside me.

Thin rays of sunshine bore through pebble-sized holes in the ceiling and walls, bathing the room in a tangerine glow. The warm touch of sunlight imparts me a hint that dawn is breaking.

When my glance spots the other end of the bed, something almost make me jump out of surprise. Near my feet is a small, white dog, sleeping sound as it curls itself like a snow ball.

It awakens to the jolt of my feet. The dog raises its head. Two eyes of cerulean shade stare at me with intent curiosity.

Then it strolls unto me and licks my hands, barking like in good spirits, right after. I pat its head gently then tickles its ears. The feel of its fur seems seems really familiar.

I put the dog aside, commanding it to sit down and be still. It must have been a clever breed because it obeyed at once.

With the dog peering at me, I attempt to stand but the moment I hustle an effort, almost every muscle hurts a lot, forcing me to slump back into the bed.

Not so long do I notice, half of my naked body is wrapped in a couple of clean, white dressings.

I close my tired eyes which are heavy with weariness.

What happened? How did I end up in this simple shack?

Try as I might, I'm having a hard time, struggling to remember. Bit by bit, fragments of a fierce battle scatter among my memories.

There is this duel between me and Thallius where death almost claimed me . A huge bear with fur as white as snow, radiating with light as it bleeds in the middle of the forest. Flames wreaking havoc and malice. Another grizzly animal which I recall, is Seymour. Fires with a friendly warmth surrounding my body. And being locked in Serrah's embrace. Yes, the velvety feel of her bo-

My thoughts reach a sudden halt. 'Shadespierce'. I whisper silently, fright fosters, little by little. The likelihood of the situation happening fills me with dread.

No, I didn't lose her. Though the assurance of the phrase is present, the essence wanders aloft my doubts.

My eyes does a pressing search in vain. I can see, even my knapsack is gone. The dog barks as it leaps out of the bed and sets off, sniffing around the room.

Ignoring the stinging discomfort, I push my self up, holding my breath to keep the pain from emerging. My immediate option is the table.

Alas, my dagger isn't there. Yet, something else catches my attention; a piece of parchment, folded in a neat manner, resting on top of it.

The sight of it makes me skeptical.

What message does it contain? Are the tidings it carries written for mine to read?

My hand eventually inches towards the paper, but I stop my desire to grab hold of it. Growing up in a rather isolated environment, letters are objects of mystery or perhaps, danger. Since I was young, I have not a single letter addressed to me.

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