Chapter 17

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(A/N I'm back with another chapter this week ! No more slow updates. I also wanted to know your guys opinion. This fanfic is most likely coming to end and I wanted to know if you want me to keep going ? Or make a new Scomiche fanfic ? Let me know please !
Also thank you for 6k reads ! )

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Mitch's POV

Okay telling Alex Scott was in love with someone else was not the way I wanted to go and telling Alex Scott was in love with me didn't help the situation one bit.

I didn't plan on telling Alex it was me who Scott was in love with but he basically begged it out of me and I knew he would find relief or closure in me telling so. The moment began to replay in my head.

"Mitch tell me " Alex said

"Alex I'm sorry but I think it's better if you don't know who it is" I said picking up my coffee and leaving the table

He stood up and blocked my way. "Mitch please you can't leave and not tell me please I want to know. I want to know the person who has been making Scott happy, I want to know the person who has made him so in love , I want to know the person who he is saying I love you at night "

Alex was looking down at the floor the whole time. He moved out of the way and say back down after he finished. He ran his fingers through his air before he spoke again.

"Look forget it ... I don't know why I even try"

He deserved to know.

"Alex ... I - I " I stuttered through the words

"Scott. Scott is - I - Scott is in love with me Alex. Alex it's me" I said taking a seat back down

"What ..?" Alex looked up glaring at me

"YOU'RE the one Scott is thinking about ? Scott is thinking about you ? " He shook his head side to side

"I knew it and I didn't want to believe it. I knew everyone saw something and people told me the way you look at each other. I should have believed it "

"Alex I'm sor-"

He cut in.

" No Mitch really there isn't anything to be sorry about I just should have known better ... I knew he liked you and I knew you felt the same"

I shook the thought from head as I continued driving home with hands clenched to the steering wheel. I had a lot on my plate between Alex saying it was okay and he knew Scott liked me. Between Scott not telling me fully what happened between Alex and him. I was mad yet sad , my heart did go out to Alex as much as I couldn't stand him at times I still felt for his pain. He loved someone who couldn't feel the same about him.

I turn the engine off in my car and sat there with my forehead pressed against the steering wheel. I wanted to cry for feeling bad telling Alex the truth , I wanted to scream at Scott for not telling ME the full truth I didn't even know his feelings towards Alex and it confused me , everything was confusing me.

After what felt like five minutes in the car collecting myself that turned into an hour, I made my way up to the apartment with bags in hand. I opened the door to the sound of Scott's voice echoing through out the room.

"Where were you ?!"

" I told you I went to get a couple more things for my parents "

"It doesn't take that long you've been gone for FIVE hours Mitch "

I dropped the bags on the table and ran my fingers through my hair as Scott continued

"I called you and texted you and you didn't answer I was worried "

Scott came closer and pulled me in a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Okay okay I'm sorry I didn't realize. I left my phone in the car but I have it now in my pocket and I'm sorry but I really shouldn't be the one apologizing"

Scott took a step back pulling me out of his embrace.
"What do you mean Mitchy ? What are you saying "

"Alex texted me. He said he came to the apartment. He told me Scott , he told me how you guys were actually on a break and never official broken up. Care to explain or shall I go on ?" I said crossing my arms across my chest

"Look I can explain "

"Go ahead, Alex already did the explaining"

"Mitch I'm really sorry I didn't tell you the truth" Scott said stepping closer

I didn't move with my arms still crossed and head looking down at my feet.

"It's fine ... I don't know why I'm not more mad but Alex explained a lot."

"Mitch I'm so sorry "

"Scott it's fine I still trust you but not 100 percent. I really don't know what's true anymore , I don't even know how you feel towards him" I said walking away from the door towards my room

Scott grabbed my wrist and turned me around. Before he had a chance to speak I spoke up.

" Save it Scott I don't want to deal with this right now , not when my parents are coming this week. I just need a moment alone" I said pulling out of Scott's grip walking towards my room

Scott spoke up from across the room as I walked to my room stopping me in my tracks.

"You know I never told Alex I loved him I wasn't even sure about my feelings towards him you can even ask Kirstin. I know I messed up but I love you Mitch and I'm so sorry"

I pushed the door open and closed it behind me. Sliding down behind the door. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see Scott's missed messages and calls. My stomached turned. I unlocked my phone quickly sending a text off to Kirstin.

Mitch Grassi to Kirstin Maldonado

Mitch: can I come over ?
Mitch: i need your help

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