Chapter 2

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Mitch's POV

We began our shopping day with a stop to Starbucks. Scott order as usually while I found us a seat. I found a spot beside the window where the sun shined through on this warm LA day. I sat down and saw Scott walked to the table with two cups in his hand and set them on the table as he took a seat.
I looked at the cups as they look different.
"Which one is mine ? " I said to Scott being confused as it wasn't our usually order

"This one " Scott said pushing the cup towards me

"It's something different thought you may like it " he added with a smiled

I took the warm cup and turned it around to face the logo of the drink.

"Scott?" I said looking at the name on the cup

"Yeah ?"

"Did you do this ? " I said raising the cup up and pointing to the name

"Yeah" He said with a chuckle

" I thought you would like it , I even asked them to add the little heart just for you " Scott said with a smile

I put the cup down and smiled has my nickname Mitchy was written with a cute heart beside it.

" I love it , you're the best " I said taking a sip of the drink

The drink was warm and smooth , full of flavour and the taste of coffee tingled my taste buds. It wasn't your typical coffee , this was fresh and strong which I enjoyed.

"Scott this drink is amazing, I'm living for it " I said taking another sip

"You can thank me later " he said with a big grin on his face as he took a sip from his drink

I set my drink down and leaned forward against the table with my elbows and letting my hands hold my face.

"So ? Where we going first ? " I said looking at Scott

Scott leaned forward and copy my same position as our faces almost touched from being so close to each other. Scott made deep eye contact with me as his blue ones met my brown ones.

"American Apparel " He said with a big smile on his face

I pulled away from my position as I felt my cheeks get hot , realizing I was blushing for some odd reason.

I mumbled an " okay " to Scott trying to keep my head down to hide my now rosy red cheeks. I started getting up from our table fumbling trying to grab my bag and drink.

"You okay ?" Scott said getting up from his chair

I felt the rush of panic that Scott would see how red my face is.

" Yeah I'm fine the sun is just a little little um ... warm"

I kept my head down as I could see Scott looking at me with a concern look from the corner of my eye.

"We should get going then " Scott said touching my shoulder

I nodded and followed Scott out of the Starbucks. Walking out of the Starbucks as Scott was in front of me ,
I touched my cheeks feeling if they were still red. A sign of relief washed over me as my cheeks were now normal again. I lifting my head up and walked to the car with Scott.

Scott's POV

Mitch and I headed to my car, I opened my door as Mitch got into the passenger side as we both closed our doors. I took my keys from my hand and started the car . As I turned on the car Mitch turned on the radio almost in a instant, he switched the stations one after one.

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