Chapter 16

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(A/N Whoop Whoop ! Another update what ??? I've been consist updating once a week for you guys. So glad to be able to write again. Also a quick moment to pray for the people in Paris and all around the world. Stay safe and ily all. Now on with the update I hope this lifts up your sprits a bit xoxo)

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Scott's POV

"Alex what are you doing here ?! " I said louder than I expected too

"I got back from my trip two days ago. I thought I'd come and surprise you since Christmas is coming up and besides I wanted to catch up with my babe"  He said with a grin on his face

I shook my head this was not happening.
"No Alex we are on a break don't you remember this conversation on the phone you agreed to this"

"I didn't think you actually met it I mean are you serious with me with me right now?" Alex said as his voice started weaken

"I can't do this right now... Not now Alex please" I said shaking my head closing the door

Alex slammed his hand on the door pushing it back open.
"First you don't even invite me in, you never answer my calls then you close the door on my face ? What has gotten into you Scott ?!"

"Look I'm sorry I just can't do this right now please understand that"

"Seems like I've been doing a lot of understanding lately. Here are your damn flowers " Alex said throwing the flowers on the floor and storming off away from the apartment

Alex was back. No not only back but thought we were back together. This wasn't happening right now not when Mitch's parents were coming into town.
I picked up the flowers and threw them in the garbage not reading the note attached to it and not needed to not see the reminded that they were.

Mitch's POV

As I was checking out from the store my phone rang, I swiped across the screen not looking at the caller ID.

"Hellooo " I answered carrying the bags to the car

"Hey Mitch it's Alex"

Why he calling me. I thought to myself

"Hey Alex ... What do you need? "  I respond trying to keep my cool

"Hey, well I've been gone for a little over a month because of my modelling but I was wondering has Scott been acting weird ? I mean I stopped by the apartment and -"

I cut him off not thinking " You stopped by the apartment ?!"

"Well yeah I wanted to surprise him and he wanted to take a break of our relationship when I left ... And look Mitch can we just meet up for coffee today ? "

I slammed the front door of my car and sat down in the driver seat.

"Yeah um meet me in 15 minutes at the Starbucks across the apartment "

"Thanks Mitch "

I quickly hung up the phone and threw it on the passages side. Could the timing be any worst ? My parents were coming in down this weekend and I really didn't need Alex to ruin it by putting his foot in the damn door.


I pulled into a parking lot across the street from Starbucks trying to stall time trying to get my thoughts together.
I took a deep breathe before opening the door , Alex was on the other side of the room looking down at his coffee.

"Hey " I said pulling a seat across from him

"Hey Mitch ... I ordered you a coffee I wasn't sure what you wanted " he said pushing the extra cup to me

"Thanks" I said with a half smile

Alex took a deep breathe and shook his head still looking down at his cup.
"Mitch be honest to me what is going on ?"

"What do you mean? "

"You know what I mean,  Scott from the time before I left for work to coming back he has been cutting me off. I thought taking a break was a good idea of saying it was alright to see other people ... But he CUT me off mid sentence and sounded more excited than he should have been on the phone that day. When I stopped by the apartment he shut me out , not inviting me in and declining my flowers. Have I done something wrong ? " Alex said in one breathe as if he was holding it in on this time and it was a weight off his shoulders

Alex was hurt. I knew Scott said things were over with Alex to me but it still pulled on my heart that he didn't official say it's over but yet left him hanging , grasping on anything Scott would say to him. I shook my head I had to tell him eventually and even if Scott wasn't ready Alex deserved to know what was really happening.

"Alex look none of this is your fault but there is something I have to tell you in why Scott is acting this way. I should be upset with him for not telling you straight up but he is pushing you away for a reason and I don't know how you will take it " I said now the one looking down into my cup

Alex touched my wrist grabbing my attention. His eyes held pain and I truly felt sorry for him for a moment.

"Please tell me " He manage to croak out above a whisper

I took a deep breathe and decided to rip the bandage off in what has been hiding for so long ... but letting him off a little easy not saying it was me, I couldn't let him hurt that much not today. Scott would have to tell him that.

"Alex , Scott is in love with someone else "

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