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Shawns P.O.V
On my way home I thought about how that all just happened. I mean yeah I was on my way to see her after my concert and yeah I wanted to hang out before I leave tomorrow but how I'm I going to just did that to her or maybe I can bring her and Alyssa with me. I'm Alyssa can meet the guys and lexis and me can go on a date. I called the first person I thought of out of the guys.
Shawn and Cameron's call
Shawn=s Cameron=c
C:hey man what up
S:I met this girl today and I want to bring her and her friend with.
C:Oh Shawnies got a griilllfrieendd
S: bro shut up she different for anyone else that  I have met
C: I guess the guys and me will see u and the girls tomorrow but u better tell Andrew
S: okay thanks bro see u tomorrow

After the call I called Andrew and asked him. He said he would get everything set up and to talk to the girls. I called the girls even tho it was 2am.

Shawn and lexis call
L= lexis s=Shawn
L: what hell do u want it's 2 am
S: it's Shawn and I wanted to know if u and Alyssa wanted to come with me to Texas for a week
L: are u serious
S: yes do u want to come
S: okay I will pick u both up at 1pm so be ready
L: okay goodnight
S: goodnight

After that I pulled in to the drive way and went inside to get ready for tomorrow. I hope all the guys like them. I hope lexis will love the trip and I hope she gets to take as many pictures as she wants. Justin told me how she loves photography and wants to travel the world one day and take pictures of every place she goes. Now I get to help make that dream come true. Justin also told me how they have been friends since 1st grade and how she's really shy. He said that when she meets new people that she will sit there and just listen and sit by the person she knows. I guess this means the guys are going to probably freak her out because we all know that they will want her to talk the whole time I guess I'm going to need to tell Cam to tell everyone before we get there.

Texts to Cameron
S: hey can u tell the guys that lexis is really shy so she is probably not going to talk right away she might even hide behind me or Alyssa
C: yeah I promise I won't  but who know the guys don't always listen
C: and Jacks bring Madison with so the girls can bond
S: okay but I do want to take her site seeing
C: whys that
S: she loves to take pictures she wants to travel around the world and take pictures when she's older
C: awesome my she can take pictures for us for social media
S: I'll ask what if I add both lexis and Alyssa in the group chat tomorrow and they get to know everyone
C: okay just remember to add the number before u do that okay
S: I'm going it's 5 am and I'm picking the girls up at 1pm
C: hope there ready bro u know how girls can be
S: true 😂 see u tomorrow and tell the guys okay
C: ok I will just text the group chat now okay

After that I went to bed. The last thing I saw was the group chat blowing up about two new girls. I just hope lexis will be okay with the guys.

I hope u guys like. Tell me what u think I will be updating at least 1 to 2 times a day for the next 9 days

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