Ch. 7

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"We're all just living in a dream,
But life's not what it seems,
Everythin's a mess"
-Dream by Imagine Dragon

[Amelia's POV]

I ran down the hall as fast as I could. I was running from something, but I didn't know what it was. I found a door, opening it quickly and shutting it just as fast. I started to run down the hall again, hearing the sound of wood being crushed. I tripped on something, making me fall down; I was falling in darkness. It was terrifying. I wanted to scream, so bad.

The place around me changed; instead of the darkness, it was of my old house. It was an old two-story house, painted white, and had an oak tree outfront. The porch jutted out into from the rest of the house, and there was someone standing in front of the doorway.

A glint of light later, the whole house was engulfed in flames. I watched in horror, my feet unmoving and my eyes never looking away.

I sat up, letting out a scream as my hands went into the bed. My heart was racing and felt like it was going to come out of my chest. I brought my legs closer to my body and wrapped my arms around myself. My eyes were filled with tears and I couldn't help but let them out.

[Hannibal's POV]

It was early in the morning, and I had better things to do than sleep. I was doing paperwork the local college down the street. The were starting new program; the medical students would be going out and doing clinicals -something most of the other colleges are doing- for the practice they were going in. They had asked me personal, since most of the other students were going to other psychaistry practices, if I could at least look over one of theirs, seeing how the other places were more 'popular'. It wasn't much of a hassle, and I had just finished filling out papers to offically open it. I couldn't tell if it was luck for the student or me. More than likely both.

It was about two in the morning, and even over the faint sound of the classical music I had playing, I heard someone scream. I look over my shoulder at the door before pressing the pause button on the mp3 player. Reluctantly, I stood up.

I cracked open the door, hearing the faint sound of crying. These walls provide no privacy. I thought to myself.

The sound came from Amelia's room. I stepped out of my own apartment, and into the hall. I knocked on the door a couple times before calling her name. "Y-Yeah?" Sniffling came in between syllables.

"Are you okay?" I asked through the door.

There was a pause. Amelia appeared behind the door, wearing black pijama pants and pink short sleeve shirt, eyes red and puffy, and red lines staining her cheeks. "I-I had a n-nightmare, that's a-all." In between words, sniffles still interuppted her sentence. She looked to the ground as she wiped away a few tears.

I looked her up and down before opening my arms up to her; she looked up at me, her eyes filling with water as she fell into my arms. Her hands had a handful of my white t-shirt, every breath a staggered one, and tears flowing down her face. My chin rested on her head perfectly, one hand around her waist and the other on her head.

"Do you want to talk about it, darling, or do you want to sit it out?" I asked her in the most gentle voice I could muster up.

"B-Both." She nodded her head.

I lead the way to Amelia's bedroom, sitting at the top of the silk sheets and bringing her into my lap. She leaned her her head against my chest, my left arm resting on her waist, and my right hand tangled in her hair.

"So...?" I started out.

She took a breath in. "Well... it-it started out wi-with me r-running from something... I fell... then I w-watched my house b-burn." Amelia picked at lint that didn't exist on my shirt. She was too cute.

"Anything else, darling?" A small smile palyed on her lips.

Amelia shook her head. "It-it just made me s-scared." She squeaked, wiping away another tear.

I was silent for a moment. "Do you know who it was? That burnt your house?"

She shook her head once more. "I-I couldn't see the f-face."

I nodded my head in understandment. I patted down some of her hair and I felt her move under my arms. I couldn't promise this was going to be anything serious. This couldn't be. If anything, it would be everything but.

After a few minutes passed by, I noticed that Amelia had fallen back to sleep. Her hand was over my heart, the other on my arm. Her chest was going up and down, her nostrils flaring up with every breath. With every breath she took, I knew I fell a little farther in love.

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