Ch. 10

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"Your Trojan's in my head."
-Trojan by Atlas Genius

I sat in psychology looking at the paper they gave me. There was my name, Hannibal's, and the address I had earlier. There was nothing I could do about it.

I went to my next two classes; every class so far were just giving introductions to what we could be expecting. I wasn't paying attention, anyways. I hadn't seen Hannibal over the weekend, so the thought of going to him now was unthinkable.

After school, I made my way to Hannibal's psychaitry clinic. I went through the door on the right, and to the second door. The man I was looking for was sitting in a chair and looking at some papers. I leaned against the door way, my head at angle as I looked at him. He looked up from his papers. "Hello, darling."

"Hello..." I smiled a small smile.

"I'm assuming you got your paper." Hannibal looked back at his papers. I pulled the paper he was talking about out. "Good." He didn't even look up.

I looked at the paper in my hand; I was the only one from my knowledge that had gotten him. I was thinking someone was behind this. I turned my attention to Hannibal. "Am I-I the only one th-that's gonna be h-here?" I asked, folding the paper back into its specific shape.

"It seems that way, doesn't it?" This sounded more sarcastic than anything else. I blushed for an uncontrolable reason.

He finally looked back up at me. "Please, sit." He waved at a chair across from him. I nodded, and done what he ordered. I brought my backpack around and peeled it off my shoulder, laying it on the ground. My heart was racing, my thoughts wandering. I didn't know what to do; they said that the person overseeing the clinical was going to write down everything, so the only reason I was nervous was because of Friday.

"You came on a fairly good day, you know." Hannibal said in the silence. "No people." He smirked. I let out a small laugh myself.

I pushed back hair, nodding a bit. "I-I was wondering about Fri-Friday." He shuffled through the papers, glancing up at me in the process. "Was... was it planned?"

"Not originally. Your interested me." I interested someone? How?

"Really?" My eyes wandered his body before going back to the ground.

Hannibal laid the papers on the desk that was now in arm's reach. He stood up and walked the short distance to me. He kneeled down in front of me, pulling my face up once again. "You need to stop hiding your pretty face, darling." I was in no control over my heart nor my lungs. My heart was aching for him to kiss me again, and my lungs were constricted from the butterflies I was feeling. I needed to stop thinking about this.

He stood up, walking back to the desk and shuffling some more papers. "Right now, I just need to work on a couple more papers. You can hang out front if you wish." In truth, I didn't want to leave.

I walked out of the room and sat at the desk in front. I leaned back in the chair and started to text Zack.


Heeeyyyy gurl. How's school?

Great! I love all my classes! Except Spanish of course.

Yea you never liked foreign lan. Anythin happening with that guy?

He has a name, u know

I don't even kno u kno his name

Hannibal Lecter

Wow I'm shocked


U got his name. Ur usually the shy 1


Nothing. Soooo... Anythin happen else?

I looked at the message as if it were an alien. I really didn't want to put anything about Friday... But, that meant I couldn't tell him anything about the clinicals, right?

I'm doing clinicals at his psychaitry clinic

Now, there was a small pause on his part.

Amelia, u gotta send me a pic of this dude. No 1 has a psych ward

That doesn't mean I can get outta doing school work, does it?

No. Hold on a sec, ur uncle's callin meh. Brb

It didn't surprise me. I laid my phone on the desk, bumping it back and forth on the desk. It wasn't even two minutes later when Zack texted me back.

He's gonna call u, dont answer it! He be peed!!

I didn't even get a chance to say something back when my uncle's name popped up.

"Y-yeah?" I answered, biting the inside of my lip.

"You seriously need to get your head on straight. One day your loving his couch, then your at his house?" His voice was urgent.

"First off, its not his house, its a clinic. Second off, I never said anything about loving him." I said this quietly. If Hannibal overheard the last time, there was nothing holding him back from overhearring this.

"Why are you whispering then?" He asked jokingly.

"I-I, ugh!" I turn around in the chair. "You an' Zack are so hard to deal with, y'know?"

"That's why you love us." With each word, his voice bounced.

I smirk after he finished. "Yeah..." They were still going to be the death of me.

Uncle Rob was silent for a long minute. "You-you seriously like him don't you?" I blush three shades of red, my eyes widening slighlty.

"Just don't tell Delilah or Zack... kay?"

"I'm not promising-"

"Please? They would make a big deal outta it, and I... I just wanna take it slow..." I talked as low as I could. I leaned on the on the desk in front of me as I waited for my relative to answer.

Rob let out a long sigh. "I'll try not to..."

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