Ch. 19

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"Kiss it all better,
I'm not ready to go."
-Kiss It Better by He Is We

The car rushed down the road to get to the hospital, with Jason driving his SUV, Luke in the passenger seat, and Hannibal and I were in the back seat; I had my body curled up in the seat, my head on Hannibal's lap -my nose in his body- and a blanket covering me; my shoes were kicked off in the floorboard, my feet covered by just my socks and the cover. Hannibal's hand cupped my face, his thumb gently rubbed my cheek.

I heard Luke sigh, and soon the radio came on. A Queen's song started out -Fat Bottomed Girls to be exact-, and my youngest-older brother started to hum along to it. I also heard Jason sigh; he never really cared for Queen, while everyone else -espically Zack- adored them.

"Hey Ameal, didn't Rob make a joke about this song?" Jason asked.

"Yeah!" Luke answered quickly. "He told Aunt Deli this was her song. She got mad at 'im for a month an' a half!"

"I can see why..." I heard Hannibal murmur.

The drive to the hospital was a little longer than expected, with Jason getting stopped by Luke wanting to use the bathroom or long red lights. I didn't mind; the longer it took to get there, the better. I know its bad to say that, but my mother and I never had the best relationship, so saying that I feel sorry for her was almost lying. It was common for us to have fights about anything and everything under the sun and whatever was in God's eyes. It was a never ending battle and we lost the score a long time ago...

After entering the hospital, the first thing Jason done was wave me, Luke, and Hannibal over to a couple seats. I had the blanket from the car wrapped around my body, my head on Hannibal's shoulder, and Luke's elbow in my side. It wasn't much pushing him off; he would go right back to leaning into my lungs.

"Hannah Jay?" Jason asked the receptionist.  "She got into a car wreck." The last room she was in was the surgery room; they contacted him and Luke to say that she was in a coma and to make sure they got things straightened out.

The nurse behind the desk typed away and pointed down the hall. "Room 231."

"Thanks." He nodded.

Jason turned around and waved us toward him. I pushed Luke off me, and the two of us stood up. When I looked to Hannibal, he waved in the I shouldn't go way. "I'll wait here." He shifted in his seat as he said this.

I nodded. I really didn't want to enter the room, let alone enter it with Luke being an almost 'momma's boy' and Jason being the second mother hen. It was almost like the odds were stacked against me. If they didn't drag me here -maybe that was an exaggeration- I wouldn't have came here at all.

If I had the choice, I would leave with little possibility of return.

We walked in, and our mother was lying lifeless on the bed, machines hooked up to keep her alive. Her face was scratched in several places, a scar running across her nose was the most visible one. I felt a lump form in the back of my throat; even when she was half-dead and could care less about what happened in the past, I still wanted to leave and forget everything.

The whole thought of leaving for another place was going to be implanted in my mind, no matter how far in the future we get.

"Silent night... Holy night... All is calm... All is-" Jason elbowed Luke in the chest. Luke murmured something and rubbed the area.

"Jus' shut up." Jason shot a glare to Luke.

I rolled my eyes as I pulled a chair closer to the door. I didn't want to be at her bedside; I wasn't her favorite. Jason was. Luke was. They got their halos of protection at an early age. I had to work for everything.

My father wanted them to get scholarships to college, and it turned out that college was what they least expected; Luke dreamed of going to one of those big state schools, playing sports while also getting to hit people without getting pounded out himself; Jason got his associates degree in agriculture, something that our parents wanted to admit that they disapproved. When I said I was going to be a psychiatrist, they looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I was crazy for even telling them. I wondered about their own mental stability, meaning their severe favoritism.

"When do you think they'll pull the plug?" Luke asked curiously as he sat in the seat at the end of the bed.

"Within the week if she doesn't wake up." I answered. I really wanted to say within the hour and maybe by some divine coincidence, they would actually do that.

I'm not a bad person for saying that... Right?

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