Ch. 9

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"The fire in his touch,
Burning me up,
But still I held on."
-Already Gone by Sugarland

I knocked on Dr. Lecter's door. I was nervous, my cheeks red, and eyes on the floor. I heard him ask who is it. "Amelia." I replied glancing up.

He opened the door, a smile playing on his lips and eyes glistning. I looked up at him before saying, "Thank you for the laptop." My voice was low, my eyes tryimg hard not to look away.

"Your so welcome, darling." Now, he was starting to call me this on a regular basis. It felt right.

I gave a small smile, looking down at the ground as I pushed a hair back. "And... and thanks for..."

"Aiding in your rescue last night?" He raised an eyebrow, smile growing bigger by the slightest of fractions.

He took the words out of my mouth. "Yeah." I nodded. "Thanks for everything, Dr.-"

"Hannibal." That caught my attention. He told me Dr. Lecter when we first met; now it was his first name. I have no idea what direction we were heading in, but who doesn't?

Hannibal lifted my chin up with his finger, bringing my eyes to meet his. He leaned in, his lips gracing mine; they were were warm, soft, and were something that I was expierencing first hand. My eyes widened at his sudden actions before closing. His lips were moving against mine, and his hand cupped my face. My lips started to move along with his. His thumb was moving slightly back and forth, making my skin crawl. I laid my hands on his chest, one moving up to be around his neck. It didn't feel wrong. That is, until Hannibal pulled away. My eyes opened, his warm, gentle touch leaving my cheek.

I didn't want it to stop.

I backed away, my hands leaving his body. My heart ached, stomach into the set of knots. I couldn't look at Hannibal; I looked down at the ground and wrapped my arms around my body. I gently shook my head. "I-I..." Words were the last thing on my mind.

"I'm sorry for startling you, darling." Hannibal patted some of my hair down.

I shake my head once more. "Y-You're fine." I smile.

When I went back into my room, I felt like I was slowly dying inside. It felt horrible not being near him.

That Monday, having setting up the laptop, I could say that my first day at school was starting to get me nervous. I was sitting in the middle of my living room, starting to panic about my classes, when Uncle Rob called.

"Hey." I answered, my face still grim from my worry.

"Didn't we have a conversation about the attitude of a winner?" He asked, smirking a bit.

"Yeah." That made a small smile appear on my face.

"First things first; as a lil' first day present, a couch should be there any day now." There was a pause. "Second; you had lunch with that guy, didn't cha?"

"Can you and Zack stop turning against me?" I laugh at this. They were now starting to become the thorns in my side.

"Seriously, how was it?" He asked, curiosity filling his voice.

I let out a sigh. "It was good."

"That's all?"

"I need to get ready for school."

"No hugging?"

"I'm hanging up now."

"No good-byes?"

"Here's one. Bye." Uncle Rob and Zack shall be the death of me if old age didn't get me.

I was dressed in a maroon shirt, black pants, and black and white converse. My dark gray backpack matched the outfit in way. I texted Rob as I was walking to school that I was thankful for him getting me that couch. I really didn't tell him what I wanted in my living room, so I was taking a guess and saying he was going on what I said about Hannibal's couch.

Leaving Spanish was the best thing that happened so far. A foreign language wasn't what I wanted to do when I went to school; if I knew a couple people who actually spoke the language, it would be different.

Before entering psychology, they called all medical students to the cafeteria. I followed a group of girls that more than likely knew where they were going. When I got there, the dean, Mr. Williams, told us all to sit down. The staff of medical teachers started to talk about starting clinicals. The whole concept was basically practicing the job we were after.

They added that they just started this program, and though the other schools started clinicals a bit later, so this was just to see what they could do in the future.

A couple of the teachers started passing out papers on where you were suppose to go. "Amelia Jay?" One teacher asked. I stood up and got the paper.

I didn't start reading it until they told us to go back to our normal classes. I was shocked to see Hannibal's name on the paper. I was so shocked in fact, I actually gasped.

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